696天與時並進:GETTING WORSE 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2006-11-27 5:26 am
The health scare 恐慌 over 在 ...之上 contaminated 受污染的 fish from the mainland 大陸 is getting worse 變得更壞 - officials have found another sample containing the cancer-causing chemical malachite green (malachite green 是什麼?). This time it’s the commonly sold mud carp (mud carp 什麼魚?) and officials have banned 禁止 supplies from the farm 飼養場 it came from.

ATV Main News
You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (3)

2006-11-27 7:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
malachite green = 孔雀石綠; mud carp = 土鯪魚(簡稱鯪魚)

P.S. You have so much time to raise questions here and at the same time also gave some explaination. Why don't you find the answers from the dictionary for the questions you raised here?
2006-11-28 12:08 am
GETTING WORSE 標題可譯作‘每況愈下’
malachite green 是孔雀石綠
mud carp是鯪魚
2006-11-27 6:46 pm
over 在這裡應譯作「關於」,「在....方面」

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