
2006-11-24 5:26 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-24 5:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
神道教 with Buddhism is Japan's main religion, 神道教 is the
religion which develops in the Japanese native place. The majority
Japanese certainly does not believe in some specific religion, but
many religious rites or the activity already merged into one organic
whole with Japanese's life, like wedding ceremony and funeral. Many
people oppose the religion as a result of the historical reason as
well as the science development, some people hold the neutral manner
to the religion, in the life also has believed in the many kinds of
2006-11-24 8:22 am
Out of the two major religions in Japan, Shinto and Buddhism, the Shinto is of a native religion of Japan . Most Japanese people do not believe in a certain religion . However , many religious rites and activities like wedding or funeral ceremony , have been merged into one organic whole with their life . To the religions most Japanese people have objections in consideration of the historical reason and the scientific development , somebody, who had ever believed in many kinds of religions in their life , remains silent in a neutral manner .

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:01:17
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