679天:NAILING - BITING FINISH 標題怎譯?及文中問字解?

2006-11-11 4:18 pm
Hong Kong’s former health director 署長 Margaret Chan has won a tightly-contested (tightly-contested 怎解?) race 比賽 in Geneva 日內瓦 to become the new head of the World Health Organisation 世衛組識. Chan, who was criticised 批評 for her handling of the SARS crisis here in 2003, but later made a name (made a name 怎解?) for herself working for the WHO, beat 擊敗 four other candidates 後撰人 in the final round 回合 of voting.

ATV Main News
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回答 (2)

2006-11-11 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nail-biting finish 令人緊張的結尾; nail-biting,咬手指甲,有人緊張或患得患失時會咬手指甲。注意是 Nail-biting,不是nailing - biting,hypen 中間亦冇space。
Tightly contested: 競爭激烈
Made a name: 闖出名堂
2006-11-12 12:10 am
NAILING - BITING FINISH : 出色/極好的-刺激的結束

tightly-contested race: 堅固的爭奪比賽

make a name for oneself (herself) : 提高名聲/ 成為有名
同義詞: become famous
參考: 字典機+自己

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