677天:CHANCE FOR CHANGE 標題怎譯?及文中問字解?

2006-11-11 3:41 pm
A bitterly 難堪地 divided 被分裂的 America has started voting 投票 in crucial (crucial 怎解?) elections widely seen as a referendum 公民投票 on President George Bush’s decision to take 帶領 the country to war in Iraq 伊拉克.

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2006-11-11 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Chance for change作標題可譯作轉變的機會。
crucial 重要
At stake 解作危急關頭
majority 大多數
Both houses 解参衆兩院 (Senate and House of representatives)
many races are still too closee to call 解有很多區的投票情况競爭激烈,現時判斷誰勝誰負屬言之尚早。Races 這裏是解候選人之間的競逐;too close to call 解雙方差距很少,不能判斷誰勝誰負。
P.S. Bitterly divided 這裏是解極度分化的
2006-11-11 9:36 pm
chance for change 改變的機會
bitterly divided 非常分立(bitterly = extremely)
crucial 重要的(crucial = very important = critical)
at stake 關鍵
a majority 佔大半數,過半數的議席(相反為a minority)
polls 投票結果
unpopularity 低民望
both houses (=Senate + Congress)
races 選舉競賽 (=election races)
too close 太接近
to call 去預計(得勝者)
CBS calls Hillary Clinton to be the winner of the Senate race in New York state.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 17:10:57
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