2006-11-10 12:41 am
Question 1

The price of an alarm clock is $200. If the price decreases by $60, what is the percentage decrease in price?

Question 2
If Mr.Chan's salary is increased by 10%, it would become $11000. What is his salary?

Question 3
The population of a city is originally 6 800 000. If the population increases steadily at a rate of 2% each year, what will be the population next year?

回答 (4)

2006-11-10 12:53 am
Q2:(11000) / (110/100)=$10000
Q3:(6 800 000 X 2%)+6 800 000=6 936 000
2006-11-10 12:51 am
Question1 = 30% 2= 10000 3=6936000
2006-11-10 12:49 am
Question 1

Original price: $200
Discounted price: $200-$60=$140
Percentage decrease= $60/$200 X 100%
= 30% decrease
Question 2

Increased salary = 110% = $11000
Therefore original salary = 100% = $10000

Question 3
Original population = 6 800 000
Yearly increase = 6 800 000 X 0.02 (2%)
= 136 000
Next year's population = 6 800 000 + 136 000
= 6 936 000
參考: 自己
2006-11-10 12:49 am
why people always post HW in here???

q1. hits $200-$60=??? and decrease value/org value= percentage decrease.

q2. 10% increaed right? so....become 100%+10%=?????
$11000/ ????= answer.

q3. so next year is 100%+2%=??????
the same la...but this time use x .....i think u can do it now

p.s. remember all is % 100%=1

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