
2006-10-24 7:22 am



回答 (3)

2006-10-24 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I recommend you 2 CDs:

Dr. Octagon - Instrumentalyst [ Octagon Beats ] 1996
This is a CD which suitable for party use, although it has dance beat but also including 鬼異 feeling, a little bit dark.

If you feeling this is not enough, you definitely like this :

Lycia - A Day In The Stark Corner 1993
This CD 是擺明的 【 死亡音樂 】,the whole CD is full of deadly feel, 很飄,死氣沉沉的。But not so strong beat so it is hard to set as party CD whole night with this,你自己決定 la.

These both CD you can find it in HMV ( I was bought them many years ago ), hope it still have. If you cannot find them just let me know, I will send you another message for buying details.
2006-10-25 1:54 am
可以試試“Gloomy Sunday”,聽講呢隻歌唱親的人都冇乜好結果,又陰沉。仲有,試找怪誕屍新娘的電影原聲大碟。
2006-10-24 7:25 am
Helloween Helloween

Happy Helloween

Helloween Helloween

That is Helloween

═ ═

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