658天:STUBBED OUT 標題怎譯?及文中問字解?

2006-10-20 7:04 am
After months of wrangling (wrangling 怎解?), legislators this evening finally passed a controversial law to ban 禁 smoking in most 大多數的 public places, including restaurants, parks, beaches and indoor workplaces. The yes 贊同 vote 投票 came after a two-day debate 辨論 and the government boasted (boasted 怎解?)that once the law goes into effect next January, Hong Kong will be the most smoke free 無抽煙的 place in the world.

ATV Main News
You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (3)

2006-10-20 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Stubbed out - 無煙,根除煙諦
wrangling - 爭論、爭辯
boasted - 誇言,誇耀,自誇
2006-10-20 7:38 am
碾滅它 (把香煙弄熄的動作)
wrangling - 爭辯
boasted - 吹噓
2006-10-20 7:37 am
to stub out = to extinguish a cigarette

to wrangle = to wrestle; in the above context, months of wrangling means months of discussions, pushing back and forth among various parties

to boast = to speak with pride

The Chinese characters for debate should be 辯論.

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