big , large and great 的用法

2006-10-17 4:00 am
我經常弄不清! 可否幫我解答? 謝謝

回答 (2)

2006-10-17 4:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
big:大的 我們可以用在比較一些物件的大小.

large:巨大的,巨型的 可以用在建築物和商場.

great:好的 可以用以比較物件的外表.
2006-10-22 5:22 am
1) big 係表示大的意思,常用於口語,多指面積,體積,重量,或範圍,程度等.
e.g. In front of the house stood a big tree .
I have caught a big fish .
The box is too big to carry .
John worked in a big factory two years ago .
2) large也是表示大的意思, 多指西面積,體積,容積,範圍或數量等,但不如big口語化.
e.g This is a large window .
I saw a large animal standing near the car park yesterday .
We live in a large house .
Their factory is a large one in Guangzhou,China .
3) great常常表示偉大的意思.
e.g. The Chinese culture is a great culture .
Ours is a great country .
This is a great river .

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