What was your very first question here?
I asked why car alarms went off during thunderstorms. I think 🤔 that’s what I asked...
take care!
回答 (11)
A very personal question about my mother's bitterness and a savage attack done to me by two aunts. One was PTSD and very formal and the other was a deranged Menopausal woman who has since softened again to a very sweet person. When in menopause she was terrifying. I had an awful trauma that day, June 17, 2012 which was a day even darker then Yahoo Answers closing down.
I was looking for a panic plumbing in the restroom in MacDonald's hun.
A homework question about Babylon/Mesopotamia lol
alright guys, I'm signing off..
Why are you answering this question? .....I’m also going to make this my last
my very first question was advice for making a halloween costume that was basically the equivalent to a fursuit but my dumb child self didnt know that lmao i'm sure i was super cringy trying to describe what i wanted
Something about flowers or some sh*t.
A math or science related question, (of course it has been so long I don't actually remember exactly😅.)
I have asked thousands of questions over 3 or different accounts and have no idea what my first question was, but it was probably something like "Does she like me?"
I don’t remember lol it’s been a fat minute
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