How to post on reddit?

2021-04-20 9:57 am
Many have problems with it.

回答 (2)

2021-04-20 11:05 am
You're probably having issues posting to a particular 'sub-reddit'.  many of them have rules you must follow and formats for the title etc.  For instance, r/explainitlikeimfive each title must be started with ELI5: including the colon.  Each time you go to a sub, or want to post in one, take a few moments to read the rules for each one.  
2021-04-20 10:27 am
There's a big bar at the top you can post your question at kind of looks like a search bar, also the pencil at the top right.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 15:21:12
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