Liberals: Should Derek Chauvin be found guilty even if he wasn't responsible for George Floyd's death?

2021-04-20 1:41 am

回答 (44)

2021-04-20 8:14 am
as a hard core conservative, i would say, this is a moot point, as chauvin murdered floyd.  i saw the video.  that was murder, plain and simple.
btw, cops should be held to a higher standard, not a lower standard.
2021-04-20 3:36 am
He shot two people before. One of them died. There were 18 reported cases of him abusing other civilians including some in which he choked them like a 17-year-old who couldn’t breathe for 17 minutes. Another one shelf and put the guys face in a puddle face down on the street so he couldn’t breathe. This man is a psychopath. He should’ve been put away along time ago.He shot two people before. One of them died. There were 18 reported cases of him abusing other civilians including some in which he choked them like a 17-year-old who couldn’t breathe for 17 minutes. Another one shelf and put the guys face in a puddle face down on the street so he couldn’t breathe. This man is a psychopath. He should’ve been put away along time ago. But the corrupt police union corrupt prosecutors and judges and Republican Supreme Court justices are always on the side of the police in this country that’s why they’ve gotten away with their abuses for so long. And then there’s a blue wall of silence.
2021-04-20 3:58 am
That's a nonsense question. He is responsible for Floyd's death.
2021-04-20 3:45 am
From what I've seen and heard he seems pretty guilty to me.
2021-04-20 4:48 am
I bet you think when a COVID positive person dies in a car accident, the underlying condition of COVID was what killed him. 

He died because he couldn't breathe. A reasonable person would look at the person choking him as the reason why. 
2021-04-20 2:51 am
He murdered George Floyd. There's nine plus minutes of that on video. It wasn't anything else that caused that man to die in front of a sneering, laughing audience of cops and bystanders helpless to stop this. It was Chauvin deliberately and maliciously kneeling on his neck, cutting off his airflow and causing Floyd's death. It was a sadistic torture death played to other sadists who cheered it on. ****. You. 
2021-04-20 1:43 am
Were there drugs in his system? Yes. Does sitting on someone's neck, depriving their brain and heart of oxygen kill someone? I think it was proven. 
2021-04-20 1:43 am
He was responsible ma'am.
2021-04-20 2:54 am
Of course, not.  But the evidence and testimony has shown that he was responsible.  
2021-04-20 1:46 am
That Klan Cop murdered him and everyone knows it.
2021-04-20 10:03 am
But he clearly was responsible for Floyd's death. I see a lot of Conservatives arguing he died from the effects of drugs. Thing is, though -- drugs MIGHT kill you. Someone kneeling on your neck for nine minutes straight and constricting your breathing while you're restrained and unable to move WILL kill you.

We all saw the video. It was murder. Plain and simple. No questions about it, doesn't matter what political party you subscribe to, Chauvin killed that man, intentionally and willfully -- which renders your lame attempt at a bait question utterly and absolutely moot.
2021-04-20 6:05 am
Only if he's guilty, but that 's  no problem. He can share a cell with Trump!
2021-04-20 2:21 am
No, he should be found guilty specifically BECAUSE he was responsible.
2021-04-20 1:45 am
No, but I haven't seen anything to prove Derek Chauvin wasn't responsible for George Floyd's death.  
2021-04-20 4:20 am
Chauvin was a contributing factor.
Had Floyd died on his own, this would be a different story if at all.
2021-04-20 9:15 am
Chauvin IS GUILTY. ... Floyd was already handcuffed. no need to do anything more. there were a few police that could have just picked him up.
2021-04-20 7:12 am
if he wasn't responsible for it then no of course not but seeing as he is responsible for his murder then yes he should be charged 
2021-04-20 6:24 am
Except that he was.

Do you seriously think that Floyd would have died that day if Chauvin hadn't knelt on his neck for 9 minutes?


If you do, I've got some swampland in Florida I'd love to sell you.
2021-04-20 6:37 am
He was responsible, there's no doubt about it. A guilty verdict depends on how much the lawyers on each side were paid.
2021-04-20 10:21 am
Considering he was responsible  your question is moot
2021-04-20 9:05 am
Should Floyd be killed by police for allegedly passing a fake twenty dollar bill?
2021-04-20 5:35 am
Conservatives:  Should Derek Chauvin be found not guilty even if he was responsible for George Floyd's death?

You pose a stupid question that can only have one response -the one you obviously want. My question above is also as ridiculous. The jury will now decide if he is guilty or not. There will be people who will very disappointed by their decision and many who will be very satisfied. Get ready, you will be one of those people.
參考: -open your mind to the truth!
2021-04-20 1:44 am
Case is about whether he contributed to his death or not. We will know the verdict soon enough. Federal charges are possible. 
2021-04-20 3:28 am
If Derek Chauvin is not found guilty every city in the U.S. will be burned to the ground & all Walmart's & Best Buys will be looted.  Finding any TV's will be impossible. 
2021-04-20 10:11 am
He obviously was responsible? He was putting his entire body weight on his neck for nine minutes. We all heard George saying he couldn't breathe. Its obvious Chauvin should be held responsible and be thrown in jail where he belongs
2021-04-20 7:32 am

I'm sometimes kind-hearted liberal, sometimes pragmatic (still kind) centrist, and only occasionally a little uptight (a.k.a., "conservative") about taking risks.  My nuanced me has decided to answer your question, since I have diligently watched the entire trial, mostly on C-SPAN2, and then MSNBC's uninterrupted coverage.

Derek Chauvin made a huge mistaken that cost a young man his life, a mistake for which former police officer Chauvin must be held accountable.  I'm not sure why or how you can claim "he wasn't responsible" when all evidence shows that George Floyd's death was directly due to 9 minutes 22 seconds of having Chauvin's knee on the carotid artery in on the side of a handcuffed, lying prone captive's neck.  The other knee was on George's back, and the videotapes show the excessive force when Chauvin's foot is lifted off the ground, meaning that the full body weight plus the weight of the gear belt (slightly more than 96 pounds, as shown by forensics) was blocking the breathing passage (shown clearly during testimony) while the other two police officers, both of them Chauvin's subordinates, knelt on a lying prone handcuffed pleading "I can't breathe" man's back.  The POLICE CAPTAIN testified that this was "excessive force" and "not police policy."  Two different training officers confirmed the same thing, offering evidence in the form of manual pages.  The autopsy lists the cause of death as "murder."  Like the prosecuting team said in their closing arguments:  "This is not a case against the Minneapolis police.  This is a case of excessive force leading to the murder of George Floyd by one man, Derek Chauvin" (or words to this effect).  

The jury is sequestered for deliberations, and they have three choices in terms of charges, each charge with its own penalty requirement.  I think the least of the charges is third-degree manslaughter (no deliberate intent), but I could be wrong.  This is a rarity as cases against police officers go:  The "blue line" was severed as police officers and a police captain came forward to testify against former policeman Chauvin.  There is guilt here, so I hope the jurors are honorable.
2021-04-20 1:48 am
Absolutely not.  But judging from the video and the expert testimony, that won't be the case. 
2021-04-20 10:55 am
He WAS responsible. And it doesn't matter where my political leaning lie. It's right/wrong issue. 
2021-04-20 8:20 am
But he was responsible.
Just like James Felix Fourcade Jr. talk about midget porn, which is his code for childporn.
2021-04-20 8:23 am
All those talking about Chauvin’s guilt, how does Floyd’s ingesting the drugs impact  the outcome
2021-04-20 9:19 am
YES!, & yes! & yes.  He knew exactly what he was doing in my opinion. Besides if he is found "not guilty" I hate to see what kind of destruction will occur which would NOT change anything anyway. Regardless, if he is found guilty there still will be idiots destroying stores & things just to make a point.  Simply "MY" opinion.
2021-04-20 11:44 am
Yes, and you can see pics of him kneeling on Floyd's neck, which is always inhumane and unacceptable. It takes only a small sense of morality and common sense to know this was wrong. And also... Rapture will happen one day. Many people will disappear from this earth, and some will be left behind. Whether that happens in your lifetime or not, I urge you to find God, develop a good relationship with Him, and repent before it's too late. Our loving Father created us and sent His only begotten Son to save us, and even when it doesn't feel like it, the Holy Spirit is always with us to guide us and remind us that He is always here. Unfortunately, you might go to Hell if you don't do this before it's too late. I really hope to see you all in Heaven. Good bye and God bless you all.
2021-04-20 8:24 am
Maxine gave him grounds for a mistrial.
2021-04-20 12:38 pm
Even if he wasn’t responsible?

That is a nonsensical question. He WAS responsible and should pay the price for it. He should be convicted for first degree murder, but he got lucky and will likely be convicted for second degree murder...
2021-04-20 12:20 pm
In some jurisdictions you can be charged with attempted murder even if the victim died from something else. For example in Canada Cst Forcillo was charged with attempted murder after firing a second volley of shots at Sammy Yatim, where the first volley of shots was deemed legal and determined to have already killed Yatim.

But in Chauvin's case, he was very much responsible for Floyd's death. Choking anyone, whether an aged man with some drugs or a young athlete, for 8 minutes could be lethal in the eyes of a sane person (aka non-cop), especially if the suspect was already unconscious after 4 minutes.
2021-04-20 10:24 am
If he's not responsible, of course not.
2021-04-20 11:07 am
Of course not. No one should. 

For those of you who did not watch the trial, the level of drugs in the victim was well below a lethal amount. 
2021-04-20 12:11 pm
If he's not guilty then definitely no
2021-04-20 10:33 am
You're ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2021-04-20 10:01 am
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2021-04-20 1:49 am
Chauvin is INNOCENT!
2021-04-20 12:48 pm
Of course not.  
2021-04-20 11:52 am
2021-04-20 8:50 am
He must be sacrificed for peace's sake.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 23:17:13
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