To Gen X guys and older - do you feel that?

2021-04-19 11:56 pm
being in a happy marriage coincidentally (or maybe directly) improves a man's chances of rising the career ranks as opposed to staying single?  I've seen this happen in many guy's lives including my own.  I'm a bachelor (I've tried to find my Mrs. over the years but was rejected over and over again; not fun) who definitely has remained stagnant, career-wise (never promoted and am in between jobs now). On the other hand, I know guys I grew up with and/or went to college with, and these married fellows (they seem happy in their photos on social media platforms standing next to their wives) are doing fantastic - they are managers, as well as C-suite professionals who I imagine, are raking in at least 6 figures annually,  own properties, etc...  I am sensing a wife's presence somehow does help motivate a guy to stay ambitious, do the extra work, create bonds with pivotal professionals, etc.. I can't say I know too many high-flying (career-wise) single friends around my age. I also wouldn't say my married friends are way smarter and talented than me. I'd like your feedback whether you are a bachelor like myself or a married peer or older (Baby Boomer, etc..).

回答 (3)

2021-04-20 1:33 am
The support of another can help mitigate the down times, which help one in their career path. One also has the sounding board, another set of eyes so to speak on how to handled whatever comes up and such.  I can see that sort of things being beneficial. On the flip side, a bad marriage weighs one down, they become stagnant for a while, the emotional baggage will negatively impact their performance. Staying single you don;t have that extra emotional crap to carry, but you also don't have that direct support system when things look down. That helps one carry through and such.
2021-04-20 1:01 am
Don't be fooled by all the nicey pics on social media.  I know so many people who hate their spouses but you'd never know that by their Facebook posts.

I'm a baby boomer.  I'm married and have been for over 30 years.  I've never been a ladder-climber in the career world.  From what I've seen and learned, a good marriage can help a man or woman's career, but it's not the biggest factor.
2021-04-19 11:56 pm
Poopy butt green diarrhea XD
2 much taco bell

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