Did Derek Chauvin do exactly what he was trained to do?

2021-04-19 10:01 pm

回答 (65)

2021-04-19 10:06 pm
Are the police trained to murder unarmed and subdued black people?
2021-04-19 10:04 pm
The people who trained him said no in their testimony in court.  Meanwhile those of unknown credentials here say otherwise. It is like they remain intentionally ignorant to avoid facts showing them to be wrong.  
2021-04-19 10:04 pm
Nope. He was not trained to kneel on someone's neck for 9 minutes. He knew what he was doing and now he's pleading the fifth.
2021-04-19 10:05 pm
No, according to his chief, his trainer, and multiple officers he served with
2021-04-20 1:29 am
So he was trained to murder/ ? He needs to be punished for killing him.
2021-04-19 10:07 pm
Not according to testimony given in court. Not even close.
2021-04-19 10:02 pm
Yes, apprehend and detain criminals.
2021-04-20 1:57 am
The Chief of Police and head of training both said "No"
2021-04-20 1:03 am
No, murder is not in their training. Since he resigned he knows he is guilty of murder.
2021-04-20 12:08 am
No cop is trained to subdue a suspect while kneeling on their neck until they are unconscious  and death. When a suspect is in their control it is then their responsibility to protect them from harm or abuse. It’s common sense. It’s their duty under the “serve and protect” oath they take. Officers should stop another officer who is abusing or putting a suspect in danger. Chauvin went way beyond his training and allowed a suspect in his custody to die unnecessarily.
參考: FactCheck.org -open your mind!
2021-04-20 12:00 am
no he did not. he was on his neck for over nine minutes. . he is racist and should pay for what he did. he made it bad for the good cops. I am white and was married to a black man until he died in 2019. I have friends that are more then friends, they are family to me
2021-04-19 11:44 pm
Nobody trained him to do that! 
He just built up his range of actions as he did police work.  Every year made him feel bolder and less beholden to the laws and constitution.  Finally, this is what he was capable of.  The reptiles defending him will show how little the facts and the truth matter, and how little the government cares about the American citizen on the street.
2021-04-19 11:37 pm
Not according to his superiors.  What he did was NOT part of his training, as they testified in court.
2021-04-19 11:36 pm
Nope, his macho man ego kicked in trying to impress the younger recruits.
2021-04-19 11:35 pm
According to his defense lawyer, yes.  

According to the people who testified,  .His police chief, the trainers, his supervisor, the medical examiner no,  According to them, the position they had him in  should have been extremely temporary, (seconds) but it was not.  The prosecution has been very thorough  and for meit was convincing.A million times more convincing than the video.      
2021-04-20 2:04 am
In a kind of ironic sense, in the sense of “reverse logic” I guess you could say, he was in fact following his “training”. Why would I even say that? Because obviously the police dept. he worked for didn’t seem to have any problem with his brutal and even homicidal techniques.  He had had 18 KNOWN complaints against him in his career,  those that were filed, had shot two people, one fatally,  and had used excessive and prolonged force on others in the past who Also claimed they were not able to breathe and he ignored them. They just didn’t happen to die like Floyd did. 

From my own experience with the police I know for a fact that even if he had 18 KNOWN complaints there were probably many other people he had brutalized since in my own experience with police I know that if you’ve been abused by them enough times and you see the results when you file a complaint you don’t even bother anymore. Because nothing ever gets done. 

These cops just Stay on the force and they continue brutalizing people just like Derek Chauvin did. Nobody does anything about it. Unless they happen to execute a handcuffed unarmed civilian like Floyd and there were bystanders filming it on their phones. And even then there will be plenty of people around to Make excuses for them. You see a lot of people coming on yahoo answers doing that. You see that expert witness who said there was “no excessive use of force involved” doing it. And so on and so forth. The police unions always have their backs. Etc. etc.

And I’m sure there were others who were brutalized but didn’t report it and nobody was around to video it.Some of the suspects he Brutalized were minors. There’s so much information about Chauvin’s brutality and cool, calculated sadism on the Internet that I don’t even have time to provide all the links. Just take your pick. 

But despite all the complaints he had against him, he was always allowed to remain on the police force and continue his sadistic treatment of unarmed human beings.The man is pure evil, One of the women he was brutalizing during an arrest made this comment to the rookie officer Chauvin was training at the time. And she was absolutely right. She called that one perfectly. She said he was pure evil And told the rookie cop to take notice of that.If you look at his face you can see it. If you look at the way he showed absolutely no emotion when he was choking George Floyd to death you can see it. Pure evil. The definition of a psychopath. He was and is sadistic psychopath who enjoyed inflicting pain upon other human beings.

 The police departments and the police unions all over this country have always protected their psychopathic  and killer cops. In the days before cell phones how many times do you think this happened and nobody ever found out about it? 

Cops got away with the most unimaginable brutality because nobody ever knew about it. They didn’t even have body cams for a long long time. They could kill somebody and get away with it. No body cams. Nobody to video it on their cell phones. If they shot somebody who was unarmed they could always plant a weapon on that person to make it look like they did it in self-defense. These things happened all the time. Watch the old Al Pacino movie “Serpico” for example  if you want to see how corrupt the police have been historically in this country. That’s why they keep doing what they do. 

It’s a culture of brutality and violence and it’s always covered up and the “blue wall of silence” is always there. It’s them against us. Just hope that you’re never a victim. I have been and I’m not even black. And I’m older. I know what it’s like. You will never trust a cop again after you’ve had some of the experiences I’ve had.
2021-04-19 10:02 pm
According to the people who trained him no not at all. Not according to the testimony they gave in court
2021-04-19 10:14 pm
who trained him, terrorists?
2021-04-20 12:53 am
There is no reason whatsoever to continue to restrain anyone like that
after they have been handcuffed.
2021-04-20 2:54 am
Yeah, for the first 5 minutes.  Then he went nuts. 
2021-04-20 5:39 am
Some say that Chauvin followed his training. Others say he went beyond what his training would allow. But every arrest is different, and only Derek Chauvin knows whether he exceeded his training. IMHO, Chauvin was dealing with George Floyd, a man who had enough drugs in him that he was already in the process of dying as the drugs did more and more damage to his cardio-pulmonary function(s) as time progressed that day. Floyd's death was likely inevitable, whether Chauvin was there or not.  
2021-04-20 3:06 am
Yes, and so did the entitled Democrat George Floyd with 34 convictions including home invasion, attempted kidnapping and holding a gun to a pregnant woman stomach.

You know, the typical Democrat of Bidens America.
2021-04-20 3:13 am
over 100 police organizations across the country denounced Chauvin's handling and methods within days of the arrest video going viral...

so.... do you remember that reported on any of the TV networks that do your thinking for you, or did they talk more about "systemic" problems?

isn't there a word for the type of people who denounce the whole for the actions of a few?
2021-04-20 4:29 am
No way in  hell did do anything but murder in 1st degree 
2021-04-20 1:03 am
These situations happen so rampantly throughout the nation that it truly makes one wonder if cops are trained to kill first and apprehend only when necessary, instead of the other way around.
2021-04-19 10:02 pm
Yes. He’s a cop responding to problems. He then solved a problem. 
2021-04-20 5:16 am
I've never, ever, seen a police officer lay on someone's neck, like he did.  He murdered George Floyd.  Yes, I understand Floyd was on drugs, but in my opinion, he died from having someone lay on his neck for however long it was, I don't remember how long he did that for, but yes, he killed him.

Did you ever see the original movie titled "Night of The Living Dead"?  Well, there is a black man in that movie.  Toward the end of it, the black man survives and there is a crew of men coming up on this house where he was hold up at, because of the zombies.  The one white man in the movie, sees a black man in a window, shoots and kills him.  And in my opinion, that man shooting his gun, saw a black man, and decided to kill him.  Didn't bother to see if he was a survivor.  And that's what continues to happen in the real world.  There are people who hate other people, because of how they look, how they speak, how they were born, and it's got to stop.
2021-04-20 3:32 am
I'm not sure that changes much considering he murdered someone.
2021-04-20 1:15 am
Well, he wasn't trained to choke people for minutes after they had stopped breathing.
2021-04-20 9:19 am
If Floyd was already dying, and Chauvin helped him along with the knee on the neck, isn't that ASSISTED SUICIDE and therefore ILLEGAL?
2021-04-20 6:35 am
No, as every training officer who testified at the trial was very clear that Chauvin's actions went AGAINST his training.

Chauvin is a flat out murdering scumbucket KKKop.
2021-04-20 2:08 am
yep that's the problem. 
2021-04-19 10:07 pm
Probably.  But he over did it.  After a criminal and yes, he was apprehending a criminal, a fact that gets lost in all the noise, he should have gotten off this pillar of societies neck.  
2021-04-19 10:07 pm
I would say he did.
He is innocent.
2021-04-20 12:47 pm
The Minneapolis police chief testified that Chauvin used excessive and deadly force and that what he did was not part of their training...
2021-04-20 12:09 pm
If Leroyd do exactly what he was trained to obey, he'd be alive in jail today. 

2021-04-20 8:13 am
his police chief said "no, he departed from what he was taught/trained to do"
2021-04-20 6:11 am
Yes, he cleansed the world from disguising human beings. All criminals with long history of drugs and violence should be wiped out of this world. I don’t wanna live among savages and I know many good ppl don’t want to either. Thank you Mr. Chauven.
2021-04-20 5:12 am
I mean if the guy was fighting and out of control it is a necessary restraint but the amount of time he was restraining him even after he wasn’t responding no so all in all no it was not necessary or necessary to his training.
2021-04-20 4:00 am
Except for the inordinate length of time he kneeled on Floyd's neck. The question is now why he did that.
2021-04-20 2:58 am
Not exactly. He was also trained to pay attention to the response of the detainee. Police are trained to sense when someone is in actual distress and then provide aid. Even if they shoot someone, after the person has been cuffed, they are supposed to call for medical assistance.

Chauvin got too caught up in the heat of the moment and forgot his training. It doesn't mean that he is criminally liable for Floyd's death, but it does mean that he shouldn't be on the police force anymore.
2021-04-20 2:15 am
No, he didn’t. 
2021-04-20 12:39 am
They are, supposedly, trained to put their knee on the suspect's back. 
2021-04-20 7:30 am
Yes , he followed his training manual so he isn’t at fault but the training needs to be changed 
2021-04-20 4:38 am
Yes. Officer Chauvin is a hero for stomping out another drug addled black thug.
2021-04-20 11:01 am
Chauvin followed his police training....up to a certain time counted point.

Police are allowed correct violent criminal suspect subdue force,  that is timed from the second such force begins--and is supposed to end exactly once handcuffs are put on the violent suspect. 

"Witness" and police bodycam footage shows Chauvin's boot is NOT ANYWHERE NEAR GEORGE FLOYD'S NECK OR AIRWAY AREAS!! And this is BACKED UP by FORENSIC EVIDENCE.


Chauvin went continued boot pressure on Floyd AFTER handcuffs were put on him; THAT's where he's guilty of "excessive force"---something he was fired from police work for having done. 


The BLACK RACIST community is simply going to have to get over that and go home; Chauvin will NEVER work in law enforcement and besides---the Floyd family are now millionaires; I see the whole matter being settled. 
2021-04-20 9:15 am
He wouldn't be facing murder charges if he was doing what he was trained to do, just like the female cop that accidentally shot the guy thinking it was a taser.
2021-04-20 9:12 am
Testing still works ??
2021-04-20 9:03 am
No, he did the unthinkable and killed a man. 
2021-04-20 8:46 am
It was unfortunate for him.  A healthy guy won't just die with someone's knee on his neck.  I hate to see what happens in America if they don't convict him, though.  So for peace, he has to be sacrificed regardless.
2021-04-20 8:33 am
I believe the reason he used the knee restraint was because we were in the middle of a pandemic and didn't want Floyd breathing on him. Worked better then you'd think.
2021-04-20 8:20 am
Yes he subdued a dangerous criminal 
2021-04-20 8:19 am
If the police department trained officers to kill color people then sure.
I am leaning towards incompetence, just like at Dwright and Toledo cases.
2021-04-20 8:06 am
No, he exceeded the training.  The situation was probably viewed by him as different due to the size and reaction by Floyd, and the fact that he was suspected to be high on drugs.  But I think that after awhile, Floyd could have been let up and placed in the patrol car.  In that sense, Chauvin exceeded training.  He may have thought it was necessary, I really do not know what he was thinking. 
2021-04-20 7:18 am
I guess that's what a jury must decide now.
2021-04-20 7:01 am
no he didnt what i wrong with you
2021-04-20 6:50 am
When police are threatened by a suspect, they should take appropriate TRAINED actions to subdued the suspect.

First of all, neck kneeling IS NOT part of ANY restraint training techniques.

Secondly, if that cop was so threatened by the suspect, then why the hell did he have BOTH of his HANDS IN HIS POCKETS? That alone, shows that the cop was not in any threatening situation where he had to defend himself..all the while, administiring the death knee choke hold on the suspect.

He is effing Guilty of MANSLAUGHTER. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT as his actions caused the death of another person. The video is as clear as day, in broad daylight with a smug proud look on his face with his hands in his pockets while he choked the life out of a defenseless suspect.

And, to that, add the EGGSHELL SKULL rule and you have yourself a murdering police officer.
2021-04-20 5:17 am
He may have, up until a point............ and then he stopped when it was too late. But that’s not he’s on trial for. The charges pressed against him are based on his intent. And that’s where the disconnect will happen. The public and media have already tried, convicted and sentenced to death. Anything less from a real jury will lead to an outrage.
2021-04-20 3:44 am
Yes. Google who trained them. The IDF. Israel trains US police department. Google it
2021-04-20 10:56 am
Here's some facts that nobody likes: 1.) The hold which Derek Chauvin performed is permitted and was trained to him by the Minneapolis police department. 2.) There is no rule on how long the hold can be used and is even considered a non-lethal hold by police departments throughout the United States.

So yes, I would say Derek Chauvin did what he was trained to do. When bystandards interfered it distracted Chauvin and visibly threw his focus off of the arrest. Had those people not surrounded him and the other police I believe Chauvin would have picked George Floyd up sooner and he may be alive today.

Should those people also be prosecuted for murder? Should they be prosecuted for obstruction of police justice? I think they should since it's very clear their involvement only escalated the situation and made it much worse.

When something like this happens and people chimp out to their basic primal instincts, government seeks a scapegoat, and there was no better scapegoat for George Floyd's death that day than Derek Chauvin.
2021-04-20 8:44 am
No, Derek Chauvin is a monster. 
2021-04-20 8:15 am
he did what he was trained to do , unfortunately floyd died , but chauvin did apply to much pressure or else floyd would he died sooner , the other police forces are gutless , we will see what the jury says , my guess is blm is a load of crap anyway .My rules are if you dont break the law then there is no reason to arrest you !!!
2021-04-20 4:51 am
Yes.  Unfortunately, he was trained to abuse black people.
2021-04-20 4:05 am
Doesn't matter.More filth off the streets.
2021-04-20 4:44 am
YES 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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