Which is better:  affirmative action hiring or equal opportunity hiring?

2021-04-19 9:26 pm
Affirmative action:  hiring people based on race, sex or other such demographics.

Equal Opportunity:  hiring people based on their merit only, with no discrimination for or against people based on race, sex or other such demographics.  

回答 (25)

2021-04-19 9:39 pm
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People should be hired based on their merit.   Discrimination such as affirmative action should be illegal.  
2021-04-19 11:54 pm
Affirmative action is surely racist.
2021-04-19 10:29 pm
Equal opportunity is more efficient and more fair.   Affirmative action is insulting to women and minorities by insinuating they need to be artificially advantaged to succeed.   
2021-04-20 1:47 am
Hiring based on merit.
2021-04-19 9:29 pm
Hiring people based on merit is a myth.  Over 90% of CEOs are white men.  We should guarantee a job for all Americans.  Jobs should never be scarce.
2021-04-19 9:41 pm
Affirmative action is needed to offset the oppression against minorities and women created by the white patriarchy.    
2021-04-19 9:29 pm
If republicans would stop being bigoted, affirmative action wouldn't be necessary in the first place.
2021-04-19 9:33 pm
I suppose that if two candidates...one black and one white... are perfectly equal in their qualifications, then affirmative action could serve as a tiebreaker.
2021-04-20 3:36 am
Affirmative Action helps to level an uneven playing field while 'Equal Opportunity' just assumes that it is already even. We can prove through the current statistics that there is a severe under representation of minorities in most fields and as such Affirmative Action helps to address that issue instead of ignoring it.

Furthermore, the name Equal Opportunity in itself is a bit of a lie as it assumes that the Opportunity would be equal if affirmative action wasn't used, however, this is fairly incorrect due to implicit and non-implicit biases within the hiring bodies.
2021-04-19 9:52 pm
I think that conservatives scared way too worked up about formative action which is a very minor thing in American society. In particular, a lot of them don't seem to understand what affirmative action is or how it works. For example, many conservatives seem to believe that infirmity of action involves racial hiring quotas but racial quotas have been illegal since the back a decision in the 1970s.

Probably saying that you're not going to engage in some sort of proactive effort to increase representation within your organization is that this can often have the effect of perpetuating underrepresentation. You say that we should hire based on qualifications for the job I'm a witch it's obvious. You shouldn't hire someone who is unqualified or unsuited for the job. But the idea that you can run an objectively unbiased search based on quality is problematic. There's comparatively few people in positions to hire employees who are actively racist and who, for example, would admit to someone that they don't want to hire black people. Most people think they are not racist and think that they are hiring purely based on qualifications for the job. But we still see a lot of problems of bias in hiring. For example, one study created resumes for job applicants. The resumes were identical except that one set of resumes had someone with a stereotypically African-American named like Rayshawn or Tamika and the other one had a Les racially specific name like John or Sandra. The ones with the less stereotypically black named got more callbacks than the other one. Big problem now is not over racism. This was a huge problem in the 20th century, at least until such racism was outlawed in the job market. In the early and mid 20th century you actually have advertisements that said, for example, that African Americans shouldn't apply for certain jobs. You had other jobs which were not advertised as specifically for One race but we're hiring officials would simply refuse to consider someone of another race. That's rarely the problem now. The problem now is mostly to do with implicit bias. People have racial bias he's which they aren't even necessarily aware. There's an old saying that like hires like. People, often unconsciously, will tend to favor those who are like them. So a man, will tend to hire men. A white person will tend to hire other white people. This extends as well to network switch can help perpetuate underrepresentation of minorities. Your idea is that people are simply coming in off the street to apply for a job and are getting evaluated based purely on their merits. But what we see, particularly in more professional jobs, is that there's often informal networks which funnel people into these jobs. People get a leg in the door because they know someone who knows someone. And often, these Networks end up being biased in favor of men and white people. Because the existing power structure is disproportionately white, the social structures which can help people get into these jobs are disproportionately white. So, a hiring professional hears about someone from their church, or social club, or a fraternity brother. These social organizations and networks all have racial bias built into them. So the pool of applicants that you're getting, before you even do anything about whether or not they're qualified, will be misrepresented. You can also get situations where a parent qualifications have Tobias to them. That's a personal example, when I was applying to colleges I had it a vice president of a Fortune 500 company offer to write me a recommendation. Now he did this because he thought I was a smart guy would be a good student. But I only had this opportunity because my parents were friends with him. Other people, ones who might be just as smart, would not necessarily have those opportunities. This is another source of potential bias. Because of pre-existing racial disparities, white people will often tend to have more access to things such as that. So someone may not be any smarter or better than someone else, but they might appear so because of credentialing.

All these things are the reason why we need formative action, which is not a set of quotas four different racial groups, but rather of broad constellation of policies and to try and overcome both implicit bias and the lingering effects of Freddy's. The idea behind affirmative action is to try and overcome the structural disadvantages which many people of color suffer from and get them an opportunity to prove what they're worth. The policies used to do this aren't racial quotas, which as I said were made it legal by the Supreme Court decades ago. Instead, they tend to the policies meant to give more opportunity to people of color. An example of this is Texas. They had a policy where the top students at each Texas High School could gain automatic admission to a state-run college. This was a game-changer in terms of admissions because it eliminated structural bias which is built into the system. Now, it didn't matter that there was widespread racial segregation in the education system across the US. If you were the top student in a Texas High School, regardless of whether it was a well-funded elite high school, or a school where everyone was poor, you had an opportunity to go to one of the state-run colleges, many of which are exceptional institutions. There are other policies which organizations can engage in which are meant to get more people of color and opportunity. And we need these because supposedly colorblind and merit-based hiring is not necessarily enough.
2021-04-20 12:59 am
The only people who think AA hiring is wrong are those who believe minorities aren't as qualified as white people. 

Which in an of itself is white supremacy.

Doesnt mean you're wrong. It means mission accomplished.

When you destroy their communities, push them to avoid education and be more athletic or entertainers (you own the teams, Hollywood, record labels and marketers)

Then you constantly remove funding from schools and put them in crappy conditions. In communities where you wont stop the crime. Then blame them when you dont provide the education how to. 

Then you deny them entry level jobs. Then complain they are inexperienced.
2021-04-20 12:41 pm
Hire people based on their ability to do the job. Just checking the boxes creates a toxic workforce that is also incompetent.

That said, lets make sure people get the training and skills they need to be qualified and stop the crime in our schools so kids can learn. then teach real subjects, not this gender neutrality and participation trophy nonsense.

Stop making excuses for schools that have a 15 and 20% graduation rate where kids cannot even read their diplomas.

Racism is real, but this new wokeness is only making hate a permanent feature on both sides.

Lets reintroduce real competition in our schools and realize that life has winners and losers.  

I sure has heck do not want to ride up 50 floors in an elevator installed by people who cannot read the instruction manual or use a tape measure to be sure the bolts are properly spaced. Even if the installers were diverse and felt good about themselves.

Nor do I want to cross a bridge 150 feet over a fast river built by people who cannot be trusted to be sure the bolts are tight or welds are done correctly.
2021-04-20 6:31 am
White Women and Gay Men who are classified as White benefit from affirmative action waaaaayyyy more than black people in the country

That's a fact!!!

This whole notion that affirmative action "levels the playing field" is bullshit!

Too bad when Black people were trying to exercise "Personal Responsibility" and created their own communities where they could hire their own

White supremacists decided to drop bombs on the black communities because they were so successful.

And have the nerve to call us moochers for wanting reparations to fix the damage done to our community by white supremacy despite the fact that black labor built the wealth of this country.

See there is only ONE way to deal with you White Supremacists

Black people are slowly realizing this

Make no mistake, before mother nature kills you white supremacists off with your IRREVERSIBLY declining numbers, yall WILL pay the debt that you owe

This will not end well for you guys,As we are getting smarter and smarter with the internet, and more pissed by your evil

We are those scared cowards during the civil rights era like John Lewis begging for your acceptance

We are long past that pointAnd 2020 was just an appetizer

I dont even mind warning yall because there isn't sht you can do about it

Yall are NOT invincible and black people are slowly realizing it
2021-04-20 4:27 am
I hire people based on their ability to do the job.  Doesn't matter WHAT ethnicity they are.  I would NEVER hire someone based on their demographics.  THAT is what, in 1000% of cases, turns out without fail to be a BAD HIRE.   If people REALLY want to stop this foolish game of affirmative action or EEOC hiring, then they ought to try getting a EDUCATION!!  To get QUALIFIED for that good job they want.
2021-04-20 4:25 am
Should be able to hire whom you want and not be dictated to by the government.
Deny for any reason should be OK.
Same with hiring too.
2021-04-20 12:13 am
The better question is, which is truer to equal opportunity, affirmative action or "equal opportunity hiring". I put it in quotes because the intent is what is important. If the intent is fairness and justice and a better overall society for all is the objective, its obvious that affirmative action is needed to bring things closer to that fairness due to historical wrongs of the past and inequalities of today.   You cannot start something with a total distortion of pain and suffering among the population and say....stop everything henceforth we must never do anything to help any group that has suffered from those past injustices from catching up.  If you do, what you are really saying is too bad so sad for past injustices, we are going to continue the unjust system as we pretend to be about blind equality.  You can do it, you can try it, people have been saying it, but its not what is right if doing right is you true goal.
2021-04-20 12:53 pm
equal opportunity 
參考: God
2021-04-20 12:50 pm
If that's the case then nobody in this town would ever be hired because ain't nobody around here got as much merit as they think they do.
參考: The whole place is a disaster. Just sayin.
2021-04-20 11:05 am
neither or both of the same but isnt? 
2021-04-20 10:40 am
It's kinda the same thing.
2021-04-20 3:09 am
depends on who's doing the hiring
2021-04-20 3:00 am
If we always had equal opportunity hiring, we wouldn’t need affirmative action.  But, there can’t be equal opportunity hiring when we have never had equal opportunities in education, neighborhoods and access to health services.  
2021-04-20 1:49 am
The answers to this post fundamentally sum up everything that is wrong with this country. You have people telling lies in order to explain away why blacks have lower levels of achievement. White people spend trillions of dollars on black people to try to lift them up and it's effectively like tossing money into a pit and lighting it on fire. Then the individuals answering, who are uneducated, come up with conspiracy theories to explain why it is somehow the fault of white people. White guilt and left-wing delusion are the problem.
2021-04-20 12:38 am
Affirmitave action is anything-ist, but it may be what you need to bring the country back before starting equal opportunity hiring. Have a great life.
2021-04-20 1:29 am
you're obviously a white male who hates women and POC gaining seats at the table for diversity and inclusion. Sorry people taking jobs you would never of gotten has made you so mad you had to come to YA to spit your venom at other people not qualified for those jobs either. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:49:45
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