Are they both correct?

2021-04-19 7:25 pm
When the people saw the house at the end of the road, ...

A. ... they began to run up it.

B. ... they began to run toward it.

Are they both clear in meaning? Thanks!

Goodbye, Yahoo Answers. I'll miss you all. I'm thinking of trying out Reddit or a similar site, so if some of you are coming, maybe see you there.


Buster, Robert, thank you for staying and enlightening us throughout the final week. Thank you for being patient with me. Take care.

回答 (5)

2021-04-19 8:43 pm
You left a word out of A, so that's not it.  And with the word added, I still like B better.
2021-04-19 7:36 pm
they are both correct. I prefer B. but however you write it, it's your "voice". it's why there are so many writers. they all have different voices. figure out what yours is. goodbye. it's been fun. see you around the net. 
2021-04-19 7:32 pm
A should be ''run up to it''
B is fine.
2021-04-19 7:30 pm
"A" is incorrect to correct it- ... they began to run up TO it.
2021-04-19 7:28 pm
Yes but I would use B.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 09:01:15
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