So long Yahoo Answers, you will be missed. Will you take a moment to say Good Bye as well?

2021-04-19 2:31 pm

回答 (48)

2021-04-19 8:04 pm
Many thanks to you also Disciple Dave, Campbell Hayden, Annsan_in_Him, and so many others who I respected on here.  It's a shame we really couldn't have gotten to know each other because there were some very genuine Anonymous Users, but I could never identify which was which so it's hard, but you knew who you were giving Best Answer to because I never hid my identity - so thank you also and for everyone's fellowship in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I hope to meet you all on the other side one day - when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout to victory!
2021-04-19 10:59 pm
Its been a hoot and a holler.
I hope that those who wander in the dark will one day soon find the light
For everything comes to an end. eventually
2021-04-19 7:26 pm
Yes... so many great contributors came through the doors of y/a.  May God bless us all....with fond memories that we hold inside.  Thanking all who helped my heart and mind grow... Thanks Dave for taking this moment to share. 
2021-04-19 4:41 pm
Many thanks for this opportunity, Disciple Dave.
I have to say that, although many opinions & answers 
have so often gone well past the point of simply being strong, 
I am glad that this forum allowed for that degree of passion, and 
it will always be a one-in-a-million find. Bad players aside, we have 
all learned a lot about each other, and the extended beliefs of yet 
others as well.
I give a shout-out and a thanks to  e v e r y o n e … and that has to include Annsan_In_Him, Disciple Dave, Jim and Dot Taylor, Jake, and Snowbird, along with every Deist, Theist, and Atheist alike who fairly and 'diplomatically' fought the good fight, and very adeptly held their own very special ground here in the R&S category.
No matter what … the air is clear, and it has been a great ride.
參考: Annsan - You're very, very welcome.
2021-04-20 5:14 am
Farewell to all those who dwelled here. I suppose this has been a long time coming.  
I wish I’d had the opportunity to say goodbye to some really great long timers before they passed away (I’m talking about Off My Meds & Nikonf5) but life is like that; make sure you always tell people how you feel before it’s too late. 
I’ve enjoyed my time here and wish only the best to you all. 
Peace, Bill
2021-04-19 4:29 pm
Although many participants had different views about Christianity to myself, I learned a lot from them and I hope I was able to return the favor! (Campbell-thanks!) I asked a Q a month ago about who the rider on the white horse of Rev. 6 is, and I would have given you BA had you offered some scriptural evidence. No matter! But I'll check up before the site closes tomorrow, just in case you feel like doing that! So long, and God bless!
2021-04-19 11:28 pm
Goodbye, I'm gonna miss this site.
2021-04-19 3:30 pm
You better shave your beard, because Yahoo Answers is NOT closing!
2021-04-20 3:20 am
Good bye Y!A. It's a shame you couldn't make the site what it once was again, but I suppose it is time to move on. Thank you for warning us you were pulling the plug instead of ending friendships in the blink of an eye, as SodaHead did.
2021-04-19 11:26 pm
It's been twelve years since I joined.  And in everything, despite the trolls, despite the cultist, the atheist, and the just plain ignorant fool, I've loved every time I've logged on.  I've made some fast friends, those I've never met in the flesh and probably never will. A few are still on, but most already left.  I expect to meet many of them in Heaven.  There's a few I want to give a big hug to and thank them for their comments, their encouragement, and yes, their love.  

So if you've been my friends, if you've been my adversaries, if you've been an idiot, know that you've strengthened me in my faith.  I hope I have done the same for you.  

Yahoo Answers may be going away.  But the benefits will stay with me for the rest of my mortal life.  So, to anyone reading this question-thanks!  You've been a blessing to me.
2021-04-19 2:32 pm

Had some good times. Lol
2021-04-19 7:02 pm
Thanks, DD.
We've never seen eye-to-eye but you've never been nasty.
That is always a plus.
Stay safe.
2021-04-20 3:47 am
So long! This site got me through breakups, failing in college, trying again and succeeding, depression from working sh8ty jobs after getting a degree, and finally into a career I like. For some reason I kept coming back to kill the time or boredom through it all
2021-04-19 10:00 pm
The Yahoo Answers team couldn't care less, they weren't honest with users, do you really think they will give us a fond farewell, no,nae. nie, on your bike etc is more likely.I only hope the rest of Yahoo's services don't die in this way too many people rely on the for things essential to their life especially those housebound 90% of the time due to disabilities or age.
2021-04-19 3:30 pm
Thanks for the opportunity to square off against religious folk who have had the public square for over 200 years and have left the place a little worse than they found it.
2021-04-19 6:23 pm
It was fun playing with the crazy people.
2021-04-20 6:00 am
I wish you all the best and good health and luck. It has been an interesting time.
2021-04-20 5:30 am
Sweet Baby Jesus, I leave you guys unattended for just a little while and look what you did to the place.  My atheist, lesbian daughter, Mary, and her gay Buddhist  (today anyway, tomorrow it will be another "new-age" religion) son, Christian and I wish you all the best in your adventures apart from YARS.  It's been fun
2021-04-20 5:28 am
Farewell and goodbye. I love you all and I will miss you all. You will be in my hearts forever. 
2021-04-20 4:21 am
Goodbye. It’s been fun. I will miss this place. 
2021-04-20 2:41 am
Keep praying 🙏 pray! For friends! We would meet in heaven don’t forget me and us and we won’t forget you because we would meet in Heaven one time! or another! 0ne time a day! Good bye for now until we meet again! Did some one let one! Did some one fart 🤢
2021-04-19 7:00 pm
G'bye Y!A/R&S, my old friend. It's been an...enlightening...15 years with you.


John 3:16 KJV — For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.     
2021-04-19 3:50 pm
It has been fun making Christians look dumber by the day.
2021-04-20 4:43 am
Goodbye all. It is a shame that they let the trolls take over with repeated inane questions in the end, but I had some fun here. Good luck to you all.
2021-04-20 4:23 am
Good bye YARS.  Through this forum I learned a lot more about God and his word, and also a lot about atheism and the atheist mindset.  So I also thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a participant.

Good bye to everyone else, including the trolls who were able to humorously troll.  I'll miss everyone.
2021-04-20 3:23 am
Happy trails to all and a fond Toodle-oo.  Hope to see you up there.  Vaya con Dios. 
2021-04-19 4:06 pm
A person can be less attached to the vanities of this world by reciting the rosary of the Virgin Mary every day with care and sincerity.  Doing so will instead give one a greater desire for eternal things.  It is good to offer one's sorrows and other sufferings to the Virgin Mary daily for any good cause.  Sorrows and other sufferings, like prayers, have redemptive value, as do work, fasting, persecutions, abstinence, pain and other sacrifices when offered in this way to Mary for a good cause.
2021-04-19 5:32 pm
R&S is being closed because of the terrible intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution posted by Christians towards others has driven so many away from God and into becoming antitheists‽
2021-04-20 5:13 am
Goodbye guys. Imma miss yall
2021-04-20 9:08 am
Goodbye, everyone!
2021-04-20 7:43 am
Goodbye Yahoo Answers. You helped me discover myself and made me laugh. While I enjoyed the trolling, I also appreciated the genuine answers. Seeing the answers below makes me sad. :(

It's all good. All good things must come to an end. Hopefully I'll see y'all on another site.
2021-04-20 4:23 am
Goodbye Y!A. Goodbye, countless hours of railing off in email exchanges with multiple users. Goodbye alt accounts created for the sole purpose of trolling. Goodbye friends I've made along the way and enemies who still have me blocked. Goodbye violation notices that were handed down like the fist of god because I made a snarky response. Goodbye report monkeys who really couldn't take a joke. Goodbye made-up stories that totally happened that people just love putting into their questions. Goodbye spammers and walls of text I didn't bother reading. And goodbye, especially, to you Hara - my little angry foul-mouthed minx. I'm sorry we never got to hit it off. 
2021-04-20 12:54 pm
Good Bye... see you over at SimilarWorlds! 👍😄
2021-04-20 11:31 am
I will definitely miss the opportunity to share and embrace knowledge and perspectives. It was a joy.
2021-04-20 11:29 am
Thanks for all the good contributions that our members render them to us for increasing our understanding of our human societies, through out the globe. Have a good time , hope to see you all somewhere when the time permits. 
2021-04-20 9:48 am
WE will all meet again, when we least expect it! In the meantime take care. 
God Bless!
2021-04-20 4:55 am
Goodbye Dave, God bless you and everyone.
2021-04-20 4:14 am
This is the only popular website on the internet I know that has a lot of neopagans. It truly was some place special.
2021-04-20 6:41 am
Some here have become good at pretending. Not me. I am someone who tells it the way it is. I'm not a hypocrite or a people-pleaser. I absolutely adore God’s wisdom, His knowledge and understanding, His revelation, His truth, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

I do not regret giving anyone a hard time. I did what any loyal, bold Christian would do and that is to defend God's Word. I can only hope that they will accept the truth and do what is expected of them.

What I have noticed though, is that most have turned to doctrines without having acquired a thorough knowledge of God's Word. I think this is where many of the Christians painted themselves into a corner when confronted with the truth. I can tell the difference between a new convert and the rest, and for them, I always moved to the middle ground.

Enough said about my experience here.

May everyone be saved. 
Love you all. See you soon.

P.S. As for this platform, thank you for allowing me to share the truth that no one could refute.
Be blessed.
2021-04-20 11:16 am
Good bye Yahoo answers, too bad you were not cared for.
2021-04-20 10:56 am
Goodbye is too good a word, Dave, so I'll just say fare thee well.  And keep on truckin'.  What a long, strange trip it's been.
2021-04-20 9:40 am
Wow, someone was petty enough to mass report my first answer. Lol

Thank you all for the many laughs.

I'll never forget.
2021-04-20 9:26 am
Goodbye everyone! It's been fun. I'll miss this site and answering questions, also the funny troll questions.
2021-04-20 6:12 am
The only good thing about Y/A is that you can answer for hours, distracting yourself from atrial fibrillation when you get a bout of it.

TV won't distract you, the company of others won't either. You cannot focus long-enough to read, and you cannot breathe well-enough to get up and move around.
On-line scrabble works well.

I will find other substitutes.

I will NOT miss the trolls, the teenagers, the fanatics, the incoherent schizophrenics, the sex-obsessed, or the radicals. I tolerated them as the price of Y/A.

Overall, I will not miss Y/A.
2021-04-20 5:21 am
GOOD BYE 👋 MY old Yahoo answers 
2021-04-20 5:16 am
No,,, ever since they stoppe dwith feed backs it was ruined,, we all disagree with each other but no harm intended, seeing they stopped that it is no longer a joy being on.
2021-04-20 10:53 am
May God bless each and everyone of you. especially those who tried to spread the gospel to others on here. thanks for letting me be with you for as long as i have been. Good bye all of you in Christian love Gentile
2021-04-20 9:26 am
Good bye Yahoo! Answers. You will be missed.  
參考: The Bible
2021-04-20 11:05 am
Never forget Jesus’s brave “sacrifice.”

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:52:14
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