The Democrats stole the election, and it’s critically important we keep saying it?

2021-04-19 9:01 am
In this context, it is important to note the closeness of the race: just 44,000 votes in three states, a total of 0.013 percent of the total votes cast nationwide, would have needed to be switched from Biden to Trump to have handed President Trump a victory. In a free and fair U.S. election, Donald Trump would have certainly been reelected, and probably reelected easily.

So while I remain somewhat skeptical about the mass rigging of the vote count itself, most assuredly everything else about the election was rigged.
The voter registration and the voting process was rigged: Facebook helped register more than 4.4 million voters, with a clear and substantial slant to the Democrats. Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg, through the Center for Technology and Civic Life, whose intricate dark money plans were revealed by the Amistad Project, personally spent nearly $500 million on “election technology” with benefits and registration overwhelmingly going to Democratic areas, in violation of state laws in many cases.

回答 (13)

2021-04-19 9:04 am
My pappy was right, I guess: Ya caint fix stupid!
2021-04-19 9:02 am
It's important that your lie is stopped... but you'll lose this platform very soon, so there's a plus. Good luck finding another one that won't ban you for this and for spamming it.
2021-04-19 9:03 am
It's critical we keep saying how Fox News, Sean Hannity, Sidney Powell and Tucker Carlson think you're a sap.
2021-04-19 9:02 am
Have a nice little cry.
2021-04-19 9:09 am
How did we do that? Post the evidence that you have that apparently neither republicans in congress managed to get or the 60+ judges (most of whom were republican and at least six that were appointed by Toad Dick himself) that threw the case out. Funny how every time republicans lose an election they declare it "rigged" no matter how wide the margin of victory was but when they barely get in by 51% they call it a "mandate". Calling every election you lost "stolen" tends to look like a pattern of sore loserism.
2021-04-19 9:05 am
And you don’t think Putin interfered in this election. He meddled in the 2016 election so why wouldn’t he interfered in to 2020 election. 

If there were fraud then just provide the evidence. It’s that simple. 

Is it true that you had intercourse with pearl’s dog because I said you did even though I have no evidence. Are people suppose to take my words without any evidence. That’s not how courts work. Courts decide on the verdict based on evidence. No evidence, no case. 
2021-04-19 9:05 am
81,268,924 > 74,216,154   That's 4th grade math
2021-04-19 9:11 am
Just let us know when you are able to embrace reality.
We would all welcome you back.
2021-04-19 9:05 am
Jesus Christ, give it a rest. HE LOST!!
2021-04-19 9:05 am
Give it up. What tilted the election was that Trump proved himself so incompetent that more than the usual number of people voted.
2021-04-19 7:43 pm
Getting eligible people registered to vote is not "rigging the election".  It's just winning.  The GOP purging voters off the rolls, closing polling stations, removing voting machines, and closing DMV offices in Democratic districts - THAT is rigging an election.
2021-04-19 9:06 am
What is even more difficult to believe is that Joe Biden got 80 million votes.  REALLY?!
2021-04-19 9:11 am
Makes no sense. The Democrats have the votes. Republicans do not. Im confused.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:53:29
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