My estranged sister has died.  Now what things would I best do to show support to my parents (mother especially)?

2021-04-19 4:12 am
Funeral likely next Saturday.  She died overnight. 

Serious question here. Sometimes I probably ranted about this sister but the stories are true and she has sadly died.      Anyone been in this position of losing an adult child or helping a parent who has? I don’t have kids so can’t say “ oh I know how you feel“.  


Anonymous: I would never make up a death.  This is true. If you leave me your email I can prove it by sending you the obit. I don’t want to put her name out in public since I’ve insulted her.  She was the guilty party but I want to respect her memory.  


Anonymous: funeral homes are not backed up for weeks and yes we do have an obituary already. Same goes to you if you leave me your email I’ll send it to you.  It’s not in the newspaper yet but it’s on the funeral home webpage.  Funeral homes are back to normal operation with social distancing. We are still trying to figure out how to do the reception safely.    Her death was not coronavirus related.  


Reading these answers people obviously don’t believe me but it’s a true story on my sister to do the things I say and she has died. When I get home tonight I’ll post to know if it’s right where I can white out the name.  


Post obituary I meant. Post it below tonight or in new final question tomorrow. 

回答 (13)

2021-04-19 5:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Honey, any death, of a loved one, or one who was not so loved, but whom you knew well, is a loss. Please accept my condolences. Now, about your postings: I think you are putting much too much time and attention into them, and that your energies might be better directed to doing what's needed vis a vis the funeral, your family, and your own personal needs. What we think really doesn't matter as much as all this.

So, upward and onward, with your life, and good wishes now.
2021-04-19 4:18 am
No she hasn’t. We all knew you were going to close out the fake estranged sister line of trolling with her “death” but we also know that this never happened. 

Good luck trolling the moderated sites: you’ll need it.
2021-04-19 4:24 am
1/10 troll score. You’ve always been as obvious as the paedo troll and the crying comfort troll.
2021-04-19 4:20 am
Sure, sweetie. She “died”’today - given the timeline of your trolling isn’t even cold yet - and you’ve already got a tentative funeral date, in the middle of covid when funeral homes are backed up for weeks, if not months. 

You really aren’t any good at this. And it’s clear you’ve never dealt with someone close actually dying.
2021-04-19 4:25 am
Funeral homes have been backed up since the start of covid. Try harder.
2021-04-19 4:26 am
LOL RIP fake estranged sister.
2021-04-19 4:27 am
Just because her death isn't covid related doesn't mean you won't be in the massive backlog of bodies.

Agreed -- nice try, but you're not very good.
2021-04-19 4:23 am
I would ask your parents how you could be of help. Also be sure not to bring up any of the other feelings towards her that you have on here until after the funeral and around those who loved her don’t bring them up at all. As hard as it is just pretend that you were close.  It will make you come out the better person especially if as you know she was the guilty party. 
2021-04-19 4:20 am
Show up at the funeral. 
2021-04-19 11:55 am
Just tell your parents your sister sucked and you want no part in ceremonies to honor the wicked soul. Good for you by the way. 
2021-04-19 8:56 pm
You may not have gotten along with your now deceased sister, but you obviously love and have a good relationship with your parents. Just stay positive and be there for them in this time of grief. That will be enough.
2021-04-19 9:04 am
I'm estranged from somebody in my family and I can understand how it makes one feel so of course you would rant and post stuff she wouldn't like and others may find negative.  My son passed away when he was 22.  He was full time college student and worked full time as a cook everyone loves him and we were all sad and depressed when he committed suicide almost fifteen years ago.  I still feel shocked sometimes he is gone but the depression is going away.  I would tell people she is at peace now
2021-04-19 4:42 pm
Yeah, put the 'obit' as ANOTHER update, update troll, I for one would be FASCINATED.  You are obviously very lonely, and I suspect it's because of your toxic personality. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 15:20:39
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