At what age do you start looking for things that you realize you're wearing or holding in your hand?

2021-04-19 2:06 am

回答 (8)

2021-04-19 2:07 am
I sometimes feel in my pocket for my phone but then realized I have it in my hand, scary lol
2021-04-19 8:22 am
Close to 70 for me so i've now been doing it for 6 years, the latest was a pair of shorts i was looking for to wash, searched everywhere until i passed a mirror and saw i was wearing them, the other day i was dressed to go out, walked through my front door only to feel the cold through my feet and realised i wasn't wearing shoes. not long ago i saw an old lady very well dressed with her hat and handbag waiting for a bus, problem was she was wearing slippers, i'd love to know how far she got before she realised.
2021-04-19 5:17 am
As if I could remember when I started.  ha
I do remember that yesterday I looked everywhere for my keys for about half an hour and found them in my hand.
This morning I looked for my dentures for an hour and found them in my mouth. 
2021-04-19 3:34 am
Hasn't happened to me yet .. but I'm only 72.
2021-04-20 10:44 am
Right now I'm looking for my computer mouse . . . oh, wait . . . here it is.  (age 78)
2021-04-20 10:03 am
It's been awhile, I'm 78.  I've actually gone through the house looking for my cell phone while I'm talking to my son.  The other night I had food defrosting on the counter, when  I looked it was gone. I looked in the refrigerator, everywhere in the house including my bedroom. It took awhile before I realized my new 23lb. rescue dog had dragged it off the counter.  So aside from my age related mishaps I have a four legged friend adding to the nuttiness.    
2021-04-19 7:05 am
Sunglasses = 45

Remember to exercise every day. Getting the blood flowing improves your brain and memory.
2021-04-19 6:00 am
It was 60 for me. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:49:26
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