How do I give myself "administrator permission" to move files on my own laptop?

2021-04-19 12:01 am
This is crazy.  It's never happened before.  I had a Windows Update a few days ago, and a lot of stuff was moved around on my laptop, a lot of it into a folder called "TEMP.LAPTOP-TJID9UHB.008" in the Users folder of Windows (C:).

I tried moving my music files back in my music folder (in the "This PC"), and I get a popup that says "You must provide administrator permission to move this folder/file."

I've never had to do that before.  Additional Q:  What the hell is that TEMP. folder anyway?  When I look on File Explorer, there is a whole series of these folders, named TEMP.LAPTOP-TJID9UHB.000 through TEMP.LAPTOP-TJID9UHB.008.

How do I fix this?

Marvinator--I thought of that.  The problem is, before this update, when I logged in on my account, I WAS the administrator, and that was the only login I had.  If you check back, let me know if you can think of anything else.

回答 (2)

2021-04-19 12:45 am
EDIT TO ADD: I don't think you are using THE Admin account. The fact that you're logging into YOUR account proves this.  THE administrator account is called ADMINISTRATOR and unless you renamed the administrator account, it still exists. It may be disabled, but it would still be there. Try this: 
Select “Start” and type “CMD“.
Right-click “Command Prompt” then choose “Run as administrator“.
If prompted, enter a username and password that grants admin rights to the computer.
Type: net user administrator /active:yes [enter]
type: net user administrator password [enter]
This will enable the administrator account and give it the password of 'password.'

 Orig Response: You can give yourself Admin privileges by logging in as the Admin and then elevating your account by including it in the Admin Group.  
As for temp files, I would run a full surface scan (Chkdsk /r) as well as a file system scan (sfc /scannow)  Files in temp folders can usually be deleted, but first you need to know what created them and why.  Temporary File holds information or data temporarily while the file is being created. These files are closed and deleted by Windows when you quit a Windows session. However, if you quit Windows in an irregular way (for example, restarting the computer or turning it off during an active Windows session), the files are not closed or deleted.
2021-04-19 7:55 pm
log on as administrator and give your username admin powers

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:51:11
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