Why won't Mar A Lago let me talk to Donald Trump? I have a lot of questions to ask about his Racism & Covid mishaps. What is he scared of?

2021-04-18 11:28 pm
Is he a Coward? Scared to face Real People?

Moon Shot why are you making such false claims? And why are you against the First Amendment and the Constitution? You don't appear to be American. 

回答 (14)

2021-04-18 11:45 pm
He doesn't like to waste his time with touchy feely liberal nut jobs.
2021-04-18 11:33 pm
You’re a terrorist. We already know this. 
2021-04-18 11:39 pm
Who are you? another left wing ignorant TOOL?
Trumps Racism? How about More Blacks working, higher income? More Black home buyers? Less Blacks incarcerated? That is Trumps Racism.Trumps COVID mishaps? Do you mean hiring Fauci? Masks off/Masks on? Don't worry/Now worry? what an idiot How about Trumps fast tracking a vaccine?Since you are obviously an unimformed left wing idiot, you would not listen facts anyway.
2021-04-18 11:32 pm
People have an expectation of privacy not to be harangued by kooks.  lol
2021-04-18 11:37 pm
When will you talk to me first?

You won't even meet a white guy for lunch or dinner, would you?
I live 90 minutes from NYC.
Are you scared?
I wouldn't harm one hair on your head and would meet you at any restaurant you ever wanted to visit.
As long as Fauci and Cuomo say it is OK.
You would not pay a dime, I wouldn't let you.
Your presence would be all I expect.

Annie, at least you could say "hi"?
We only have another day left for you to hate on us cons.
2021-04-19 7:54 pm
Brainwashing worked well on you.
2021-04-18 11:31 pm
You don't have enough money or fame for him to bother with. 
2021-04-19 8:50 pm
Don Trump-a-dump doesn't care about anyone, unless they're going to give him money or sex. Offer to pee on him and you might get some time with  him.
2021-04-19 8:15 pm
Can you tell us what he did that was racist?
2021-04-19 9:14 pm
That's the gutless medias job i often wonder how he can sleep at night all the evidence points even from his own Doctors that some 400 k Americans deaths from Covid 
are due to his lies and incompetence .
2021-04-19 9:50 pm
The personal homes of former U.S. Presidents and White House itself are heavily fortified physically and staffed by  24/7 365  ARMED security sharply focused on protecting their residents and guests for obviously good reason:

To keep YOU out and away from them--evidently, YOU answer your own question here. 

If you don't feel lucky getting a face to face w/ Trump--why not try reaching out to Obama--he's REALLY running the White House!  Or maybe ol' Joementia himself might welcome you in the White House for some warm milk and cookies--or maybe some good hits on the ol' bong pipe, eh?
2021-04-19 8:58 pm
He is not obligated to take a phone call from a complete stranger.

I screen my calls too. Don't you? It's a common practice, and it doesn't necessarily indicate fear. I understand that just because somebody is trying to call me, doesn't mean I have to talk to them. 
2021-04-19 9:36 pm
Trump’s racist? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 He doesn’t waste his time with liberal idiot nut bags like yourself, dumb tool. 
2021-04-19 9:29 pm
He's scared of reality. He's been cultivating an image of the billionaire financial "genius" for decades, when in reality, he's nothing more than a lying, philandering, tax-evading FRAUD. The last thing he wants to do is answer questions about his bungling of Covid, or his popularity with racist groups. 


  And he definitely doesn't want his daily round of golf interrupted. Answering questions might give prosecutors more avenues to pursue for criminal indictment. He's already in a heap of trouble. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:55:02
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