Can you evaluate the extent to which American liberal ideology created a positive influence on USA's politics?

2021-04-18 10:02 pm

回答 (5)

2021-04-18 10:10 pm
Declaration of Independence: - American liberal ideology
Constitution of the US - American liberal ideology
Winning the war between the states - American liberal ideology
Ending Slavery - American liberal ideology
Women getting the vote - American liberal ideology
2021-04-18 10:07 pm
When the Democrats were liberal, sure. They made it okay to admit publicly that you are LGBT. Then the Leftists of the Democratic Party took over and started to attack America. So the liberal tag isn't the way it is in the Democratic Party anymore. They have become anti-American, anti-God, anti-US Law, quisling supporters and they pretty much have always been a death cult with their insistence that there is no mother and fetus too healthy to abort. That is a death cult.

You can see society and the mainstream media has changed in their attitudes towards gays.
1980s News Clips On Gay Rights
2021-04-18 10:05 pm
 That alone will be the biggest reason for US failures.  Lib policies not only don’t work but make everything worse. If you subscribe to the “Death to America” agenda like fellow libs than your ideology has been a great help.  
2021-04-19 12:47 am
Back in the day when things like the 6.5 day work week and the 15 hour work day were common some of the liberal ideas helped usher in stuff we all appreciate today like the weekend, a living wage and benefits attached to employment. The right side of the political aisle acted as the voice of industry to protect employers' rights and society existed in a generally balanced state. 

But some are never satisfied with the status quo and slowly the left became more about putting businesses out of business so former workers would rely on the government instead of their own labor. Simultaneously the right got into bed with vulture capitalists who weren't satisfied to just earn a basic profit but had to constantly grow and make every more, hence the offshoring and outsourcing of US jobs to cheaper cost of labor locales. Both liberals and conservatives contributed to this gutting of the US working and middle classes. 

In short the left and right used to work together to achieve some semblance of decent life for all and the US was the envy of most of the world. Why both these powers have gone completely stark raving mad is probably the result of more voters seeing how feckless our political parties have become. When you can't win voters with good ideas you trot out the cultist practices, so now instead of a balance of powers that's good for the average citizen we've got parties that appeal to the extremists. Whether it's CRT or QAnon it's all just a ploy to prey on the weak-minded. Meanwhile rational people who just want to work, live, support their families and raise their children in peace are being shunted to the side. 
2021-04-18 10:11 pm
Yes, the 55 year $ 30 Trillion federal liberal 'great society' debt...And, at the SAME TIME, the moving of the US from #1 in price/quality of health care to the mid 30s is - very impressive.
參考: Almost as 'impressive' is acting as an armed PROXY for Euro style genocide with first the W Wilson racist League o' Nations....Followed by the even worse UN...With 'American' Democrat/Brit/French/Russian/Chicom worldwide wars of: let the THIRD world -- stay colonies, of the Big FIVE. with the exception of the USSR which was temporally derailed by Reagan, Thatcher AND the Pope..

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:53:48
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