Poll: Would you own a car if there is good public transport available where you live?

2021-04-18 6:37 pm
There is good public transport of every 15 minutes available I live but I would own a car if I could drive. I am restricted to where I can go based on public transport. Travel by bus sometimes involves some connections. Also a car would be useful if I needed to do a big shop or pick up something heavy.

回答 (4)

2021-04-18 6:58 pm
If I could afford it I would own an electric car. I'm just frustrated that electric cars are still so bloody expensive! They want to help the environment, electric cars are more echo friendly than petrol cars. So why not make them cheaper?
2021-04-18 6:41 pm
Yes. I'll continue to own a car because I don't like standing in the rain in winter waiting for a bus. Then having to sit next to a smelly bum who refuses to wear a mask. 
Meanwhile I continue to drive around in my car burning gas and complaining about the oil companies causing global warming.
2021-04-18 7:11 pm
I don’t drive myself but I used to use public transport although since I moved the busses have been cut from every 2 hours to every 3. If I was still out in the countryside I think I’d choose to drive. 
2021-04-18 6:59 pm
Yes. If I want to buy a bundle of heavy timber 8 feet long and a couple of bags of mortar, which bus should I catch ..... actually which two buses because there no direct bus to the DIY store. My local politicians think I should should use a bus or a bicycle!

When things get back to normal and I want to resume travelling to a town on the coast, 18 miles away, with two guitars, a heavy amplifier and a bag of goodies, leaving home at 7:30 pm on Friday and getting back at about 1:30 am on Saturday, which bus would be best for me and who is going to help me move all that stuff?

Due to pressure from so called environmentalists, it costs a FORTUNE to own my car so the more I use it, the lower the cost per mile. That means I will use my car even if there is bus available. 

I would not choose to use a bus anyway. So called environmental policies have resulted in 'town cramming', forcing too many people into a small space. Pollution is an excess of something that causes detriment to quality of life: That includes towns being overcrowded with people. People can be pollution. I do not want to be on a bus in close contact with loud, ill behaved, sometimes smelly people I do not know. My car offers private space in an artificially crowded environment. Recent events have shown that public transport is the best way yet devised to spread dangerous infectious diseases. I will own a car.

I might buy an electric car when they have an acceptable price and mileage range though they are not as environmentally friendly as claimed.  They only break even on CO2 emissions after about 45000 miles and that is more than I expect to drive in the rest of my lifetime. Why would I harm the environment by junking a perfectly good, old but low mileage conventional car?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:08:28
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