Per News, Prince Andrew wanted to wear Admirals costume to Funeral, to which Eliz had to say u r not an Admiral. Is he covering up something?

2021-04-18 6:16 pm

Should he not be a little worried that US prosecutors saw yesterday that he is healthy, and therefore there is no reason for him not to present himself in the US to answer their supeana per Epstein and Maxwell? 

回答 (7)

2021-04-19 12:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sweetie, you need to learn  not to believe everything you read about the royals, as tabloids don't tell the truth.

It has not been proven that Andrew wanted to wear an Admiral's uniform--this is just a story that someone who is not  vetted, not identified, not trustworthy, has given a gossip reported, and that story repeated by other gossip tabloids and sadly, by lazy reporters from hard news sources.
2021-04-18 6:43 pm
Prince Andrew is already a vice-admiral, I believe. He expected to be made up to a full admiral on his birthday but it didn't happen. Uniforms for the royal family were banned by the Queen to avoid embarrassing Harry who is no longer entitled to wear his former uniforms.

I am sure Prince Andrew would be willing to talk to US authorities if they come over to talk to him. They have no authority to demand he comes to them.
2021-04-18 6:18 pm
They all looked better without their fancy uniforms.
2021-04-18 7:01 pm
I wonder if Andy played admiral on Epstein's island . . . maybe the uniform brings back pleasant memories of diddling little girls (if they were indeed girls).
2021-04-18 9:43 pm
I wonder why people keep assuming that the Queen nixed uniforms solely because of Prince Harry?  In fact, Peter Phillips and the Earl of Snowdon weren't entitled to wear uniforms either.

That didn't cross anyone's mind?

Andrew could have worn a vice-admiral's uniform, I believe.
2021-04-18 6:57 pm
Andrew was due to become an Admiral but it was all put on hold after his stupid interview re Epstein.   He is a Vice-Admiral and could have worn that uniform EXCEPT there was (always!) the problem with Prince Harry.   To avoid a 'state crisis' about him not being able to wear his uniform, HM quite sensibly said nobody will wear their uniforms, just their medals on morning suits with Princess Anne in a suitable black outfit.

Given it was basically very much a military occasion, I thought it a shame.
2021-04-18 7:38 pm
Few, if any, of the Royal Family, seem to have any decency. It ended up a squabble over what uniform they would wear.  The second son demanding to wear a uniform, that he wasn't entitled to wear and Harry wanting to wear the uniform, of a regiment that he no longer has ANY links to. What to expect though; from a family that doesn't do SHAME.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:48:22
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