What have you cooked recently?

2021-04-18 6:04 pm
How did it went with your family?

回答 (16)

2021-04-19 2:48 am
I now live alone.  None of us are socializing or getting together with this pandemic going on.
And even though I've been vaccinated, they are not 100% effective and case-rates are high in my city.

Two days ago I cooked one of Jamie Oliver's recipes ... a phyllo-salmon pie with leek, zucchini, egg, feta, lemon zest, and parmesan cheese.  I made several small 5" pies.  Ate one, froze the rest for a later date.  Steamed up a bunch of broccoli as a side dish for the pie.  And had a glass of milk with it.

Last night was a simple grilled cheddar on whole wheat with mustard and cooked bacon strips.
Also made some baked egg custard with one big plump red raspberry baked in each ramekin .. and fresh-grated nutmeg on top.

Haven't decided on tonight's supper ... thawing out some chicken thighs and may make up some Lebanese spice mix and bake the chicken with that and some shallot and fresh lemons.  Thaw out some of my previously-cooked brown rice.
And serve up a romaine salad with balsamic vinegar and extra-virgin olive oil. Okay .. I guess I just DID decide what tonight's supper is going to be.
2021-04-18 10:29 pm
I roasted a chicken yesterday with rice and salad on the side. Everybody liked it. I made beans and ground meat for tacos and burritos 2 days ago, and they liked it too. We still cook nearly everyday.
2021-04-18 8:28 pm
Chicken Piccata over pasta. Always a favorite
Steak and broccoli stir fry over riced cauliflower - another family favorite
Butter Chicken is coming up this week with homemade naan. 
2021-04-20 12:04 pm
mostly simple things
2021-04-20 11:46 am
Last night was fresh spaghetti night.  Sauce and pasta from scratch with garlic toast on the side.

Tomorrow night will be a special dinner.  I have declared that the official meal for 4/20 shall be Pot Roast.    Get it?     Pot    Roast.

I have a five pound chuck blade roast marinating in Worcestershire sauce in the fridge, big thick carrots and parsnips, red and gold potatoes, celery and onions ready to go into the roasting pan and slow cook all afternoon.  Biscuits and butter.
2021-04-20 11:10 am
bbq pork chops a hit with all.
2021-04-20 10:20 am
beans with leftover easter ham and corn bread they were delighted.
2021-04-20 9:57 am
Made pizza and they ate all of it.
2021-04-20 3:15 am
I haven't cooked anything recently
2021-04-19 6:21 pm
Teryaki beef.
2021-04-19 1:29 pm
Ramen and Grilled Cheese, those are realistic meals.

I worked 3rd shift at a private club and while the day crew would eat sandwhiches or whatever during their break, I was the only one at night.
I was actually left the food they would serve to parties, or on the menu.

I have had SO many expensive meals in my life.
Foie Gras is actually tasty, but so ******* HORIBBLE!!!!! I looked it up after eating it a few times.

I'm ok with grilled cheese now.
2021-04-19 9:55 am
This week I've cooked ;-  Pork Fillet with a mustard cream sauce, asparagus, mushrooms & roast new potatoes.
Taco boats with mixed salad, salsa chicken, cheese & sour cream.
Lamb shepherds pie, with minted potato cube topping & cauliflower cheese bake.
And several bacon & egg sandwich snacks.
My family were very happy with their meals 
2021-04-19 4:55 am
Sage encrusted whole chicken with a stir fried Chinese long bean with a butter garlic sauce. 
2021-04-19 3:49 am
Ham and Swiss on Sourdough  | My sister and I both liked it very much. 
2021-04-19 3:25 am
Lasagna.  It was quickly eaten as everyone loves this dish in my home.  Pasta usually is a family favorite.
2021-04-19 11:42 pm
i'm not sure if this counts, but I made cup-noodles recently, very complicated recipe

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