How can high school possibly be someone's best memories?

2021-04-18 5:59 pm
High is toxic because you got the popular people and everyone else trying to emulate them. And most of high school is getting excluded as a part of a group because it only takes one negative comment about you for them to kick you out as a whole. And most people at my high school were fake as hell because I got my *** beat and they didnt do anything to help me out.

回答 (3)

2021-04-18 10:40 pm
High school was not a pleasant time for me. It was difficult because we lived so far away from the school. It was a 2.5 hour bus ride one way, with all the stops we had to make. Once we were there. I was thrown into a mix of all the kids from the mountain towns of 2 counties going to the same school. This meant fights and bullying on a regular basis. Add to that the fact that I had a part time job that I needed to help my mother cover the expenses, because she and my father decided to divorce, and he left us holding the bag. There was never enough time for homework to get done, because I was tired all the time, and trying to do it on the bus ride was just too chaotic. It all became moot though because they booted me out for fighting. Within 90 days I was on my way to Vietnam to (guess what) fight for Uncle Sam.
2021-04-18 6:16 pm
It's only the best for those who get treated the opposite or for those who don't get treated like that at all. It's memorable because it's pretty much their last years being with childhood friends, playing sports, and living with parents with little to no expected responsibilities. 
2021-04-18 6:03 pm
Because we were all young and pretty and our bodies were perfect and our lives were free. Life still has the same awful social people drama but we aren’t as pretty or perfect. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:50:54
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