How individual do you feel your way of living, or not living, spirituality?

2021-04-18 3:52 pm
have you ever had the feeling of finding yourself alone, in the middle of what you believe and don't believe, what you know or you'll never know, with people out there ready to tell you that you have made a mistake, in any case? the believer will call you unbeliever, the unbeliever will scream at you bigoted. agnostics will allow themself to call you insecure, the superficial will find you arrogant and complexed, the thinker will call you idiot. if you're lucky there will be those few loved ones who understand you on the wave of a general evaluation, but they could be blinded by love, it's not valid.

what's your experience regard your way to live (or not) your spirituality?

回答 (1)

2021-04-18 3:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have repressed my true opinions on this matter, as my immediate family is quite sensitive to this topic. 

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