Hard,painful and moveable lymph node? Is it likely to be breast cancer-?!?!?

2021-04-18 12:32 pm
I have a hard round lump in the middle of my armpit deep down,it's a lymph node clearly. The area hurts and just started hurting 1 day ago. I had my covid shot in that same arm a WEEK,almost 2wks ago. I'm really worried. It's hard and very very slightly moves but not much. Is this cancer!? I'm really worried. I don't know if it was there before my shot. If it was from the shot why is it here this long later? It's about nickel sized. It almost feels like there's two. It's hard to feel unless I hunt for it. I'm in my 20s and a girl. There's like 3 there swollen it feels like. They feel like they move around when i touch them and they're hard. It is sore to touch suddenly. I can feel it when my arm is closed it's hard 

回答 (2)

2021-04-18 2:55 pm
As you have been told multiple times in the last 24 hours.
From your description it sounds highly unlikely to be breast cancer and highly likely to relate to your recent vaccination.
The ONLY way to get a diagnosis is to see a doctor.
2021-04-18 2:01 pm
You need to see a doctor.
Yes, it's probably a lymph node and appears to be a common side effect of the vaccine.

But there is the slim chance that it could be cancer.
If cancer more likely lymphoma (not breast cancer like you ask in your other question). 

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 15:34:19
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