Machiavelli warned in his writings about a Donald Trump type ever ascending to leadership of a great country, and damage that would be done?

2021-04-18 8:47 am
What do you think he said would happen when man with no scruples, ethics, or  morals and who is totally corrupt is the person put forth as the leader of a country?

回答 (4)

2021-04-18 9:02 am
Cite exactly where in his writings. 
2021-04-20 8:59 am
Had the country not been imploding already, the conditions would NOT have existed which bought Trump to power!

Hitler was given power by the businessmen! Not at the ballot box, as insufficient numbers desired him!

The mainstream media saw Trump as a joke, to be capitalised on! Trump bought in eyeballs, which in turn bought in mass advertising!

Being disconnected from the hoi polloi they miscalculated!

The overpaid anchors couldn't see past their mind numbing rhetoric! Smell the coffee! Observe the landscape!

Post 2008 dissatisfaction had NOT been forgotten! A mass inequality of wealth! The future far less brighter then grandparents era!
Trump was the message TO drain the incumbent Washington swamp!
End corruption! Not as if Washington incumbents earned dimes!

But Trump like his predecessors got sucked into the swamp!
2021-04-19 6:49 am
Cool story, bro.
2021-04-18 9:54 pm
Well, it certainly backs up what the Bible said about man at Psalms Psalm 146:3 "Do not put your trust in princes Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation."
Granted, putting confidence in humans is not always wrong. The above verse is simply making the point that confidence in God is never misplaced, but putting confidence in imperfect humans can at times lead to disaster. For example, people who trust humans to achieve what only God can do—provide salvation and bring full peace with security—are headed for disappointment.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:49:11
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