What is the correct synonym or synonyms for "juggling more than one job"?

2021-04-18 6:35 am
I bought a transcription headset and foot pedal so I can do transcription work from home. I want to learn how to voice act professionally for cartoons I want to produce. I signed up for an online voice over training program. I also want to learn how to use various art programs for free through an online learning system provided from my local employment center. I want to learn how to use this software to produce my own cartoons and comics.

These are three different jobs I want to do at the same time. What is the correct synonym or synonyms for "juggling more than one job"?

Is juggling more than one job "multitasking" or is that something else?
From what I understand multitasking refers to performing and handling more than one task at a time at a specific moment.

Please help. Thank you.

回答 (1)

2021-04-18 6:49 am
moonlighting, working triple, multi-professionalism

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:53:09
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