I'm seeing a dr but does this sound like cancer or just a vaccine reaction?

2021-04-18 4:21 am
I have a hard round lump in the middle of my armpit deep down,it's a lymph node clearly. The area hurts and just started hurting 1 day ago. I had my covid shot in that same arm a WEEK,almost 2wks ago. I'm really worried. It's hard and very very slightly moves but not much. Is this cancer!? I'm really worried. I don't know if it was there before my shot. 

It's nickel sized. It's sometimes hard to find then I feel again 


The covid vaccine literally causes swollen lymph nodes. The cdc said. You're wrong

回答 (5)

2021-04-18 8:44 am
The ONLY way to get a diagnosis is to see a doctor, rather than spamming this site with repetetive questions.
2021-04-18 4:40 am
It's impossible to say for sure without a doctor's exam.  But, lymph node swelling has been reported by 12% of the people who have received the Moderna vaccine and even less people who have received the Pfizer vaccine.
2021-04-18 4:27 am
Your doctor will run a test to see. I have no thoughts on it being cancer or a reaction to the vaccine. You will find out from a professional.
2021-04-19 12:50 pm
ITs not cancer 
you are to young for that kind of cancer 
2021-04-18 10:16 am
Swollen lymph nodes are an immune response... it's probably a reaction to the vaccine but you can get it checked to be sure.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 15:21:06
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