Why do some Men curse Women who leave them for supporting someone like Donald Trump after all that he has done to hurt this country ?

2021-04-18 4:05 am

回答 (12)

2021-04-18 4:07 am
Anyone who supports the disgraced former president deserves to lose everything.
2021-04-18 4:12 am
Liberals never seem to be able to mind their own business.
2021-04-18 10:08 am
Women are not idiots. They sooner or later realize when they have married a mental case. Donald Trump was just one of those things that made more women realize it.
2021-04-18 4:48 am
Men who support Donald Trump would have nothing to do with a liberal woman in the first place. They won't take the risk of their child being "aborted."
2021-04-19 4:34 am
what has trump done to hurt this country?  Actually, if you are old enough to belong on this site and have been paying close attention, the first three bills Joe Biden has passed, elimination of fossil fuels,  opening the Southern Borders, and  Removing Soldiers from Afghanistan, are the worst 3 issues any President and Political Party has ever attempted.  There is NO Alternative fuel to replace fossil fuels,  People are suffering at the Borders and Officers are near the brink of being over burdened, and  We definitely need boots on the ground in and around Afghanistan, if for no other reason, to keep watch on Terrorist activity and eliminate it as it stirs up. 
2021-04-18 8:39 am
Women are the nesting part of humans. They see Liberals handing out special rights and loads of benefits. Both satisfy the woman's nesting urge.

Women think and behave emotionally, not logically.

They have no common sense either.
They want what they were never supposed to have too.
2021-04-18 7:28 pm
If your genes allow it, try raising your IQ a little so you're not too dumb to troll. 

Regards, from England.
2021-04-19 1:10 am
On dating sites many women write "If you are Trump supporter, move on".  Women have a good radar for creepy, frightened men and their BS.  Being a Trump supporter sends a signal that women don't like.
2021-04-18 2:54 pm
Trump hurt the country?
Sorry, can't accept the premise.
2021-04-19 10:12 am
Trump lovers are NOT reasonable when it comes to that demagogue. I am STILL amazed at how effective of a cult leader he is. Some church members were actually worshiping Trump more than GOD, according to the pastor of one such church.
2021-04-18 4:07 am
Can't have it both ways. 
2021-04-18 10:52 pm
are you drunk?  obama AND BIDEN pathologically lie about benghazi and fast and furious getting people killed needlessly and you blather on about trump.  low information liberal voting.  gotta love it.  your question/rant has no answer as your premise is abject idiocy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:50:32
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