Will Queen Elizabeth have a much larger funeral and prince Philip did?

2021-04-18 1:41 am

回答 (11)

2021-04-18 4:29 am
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I don't think she will be dying any time soon, but when she does I can imagine the size of the funeral and the fuss made would be bigger than we can imagine. We would never hear the end of it, the fact the immortal Queen finally died.
2021-04-18 1:42 am
A monarch gets a state funeral. It will definitely be bigger, the format will be as for those of previous monarchs assuming the pandemic has eased. She won't be chucked in the back of a land rover (as Prince Philip put it) but will be transported on a gun carriage.
2021-04-18 2:27 am
Of course, the consort's funeral was a private funeral, because of the covid restrictions. The original plan (Operation Forth Bridge) was far more expansive.  The Queen's funeral (Operation London Bridge) will be a state funeral, which is a major public event. To Anon below: The BBC were streaming it on youtube and mercifully the commentary was restricted to only a handful of inanities from Huw Edwards. 
2021-04-18 2:01 am
Yes, she will receive a full state funeral.  She is the monarch, after all.  Philip was not.

Even Philip would have had a more elaborate funeral had it not been for the pandemic.  Royal ceremonial funerals such as he was entitled to are normally larger and more splendid.

However, though I did not see the funeral today, the coverage indicates that it was elegant, spare, dignified and very much in keeping with his preferences and tastes.  I'm hoping someone will put it on YouTube so I can watch at a later date.
2021-04-18 1:43 am
Definitely. She's the Queen.
2021-04-18 1:52 pm
Who you decided best answer to answered the question very very well. 

It will be indeed larger than we can imagine. Larger than we have witnessed. 

The largest funeral of our lives has been Princess Diana.. and the Queen will eclipse that ( in all respect to all involved). But my point is yes, it will be an event that none of us has experienced. 

Diana’s death was so impactful because it was so unexpected, so sudden and shocking, she was so young and left two beautiful young boys behind.. it was devastating. 
2021-04-18 2:31 am
Yes, she will, especially if the pandemic is over when she dies.

As the sovereign the Queen will receive a state funeral. She will almost certainly lie in state at Westminster Hall for several days prior to her funeral. The funeral will be a major state occasion and will take place at Westminster Abbey.
2021-04-18 1:51 am
The trolls are coming through thick and fast today.
And all of them thick.
2021-04-18 1:45 am
Yes, the monarch has a STATE funeral!
2021-04-18 2:04 am
There will be tremendous sadness because she was a wonderful Queen...and because that awful Charles will then be King. 
2021-04-18 3:48 am
One can only hope so!

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