A random guy at the street came to me and talk to me and he also add me at facebook....is that dangerous?

2021-04-18 1:38 am
He also asked  me if i have a boyfriend
But i dont know him at all
He is a completely stranger
Is it very dangerous to accept his friend request??
He was good looking but maybe he is a pimp

回答 (22)

2021-04-18 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
He was trying to figure out how to kidnap you for organ harvesting, you’re only good for parts.
We know you haven’t had much experience with actual men being interested in you but that’s not how they behave.
2021-04-18 1:43 am
Didn't happen. This is just the lonely weirdo fantasy troll. Ignore the freak. Her English is getting worse too.
2021-04-18 1:48 am
Stupid, pathetic boring troll. Report.
2021-04-18 1:47 am
Sure, it happened. Right after the unicorn flight.
2021-04-18 4:43 am
Another "random guy" story to prop up your sagging self-esteem? You've obsessively posted these fantasies for over a year. You're not fooling anyone but yourself.
2021-04-18 12:27 pm
Ask him, what time the boiled pet rabbit on the stove is going to be ready?
2021-04-18 2:21 am
Did he read your mind to figure your name?
2021-04-19 3:48 am
Better safe than sorry.              
2021-04-18 2:36 am
Creepy and not appropriate. Steer clear.
2021-04-19 10:01 am
no thats if you dont want to get raped .
2021-04-19 2:14 am
The funniest thing with this bs story is that you didn't just simply walk away without having said a word! Troll much?
2021-04-18 11:35 pm
God your an idiot and one of the people who are the reason why this is shutting down. £U©KT@®D !
2021-04-18 5:27 am
Never trust a random guy. A total stranger is much better than a random guy.
2021-04-19 5:47 pm
Men who approach women on the street don’t actually have respect for women or their time. 

Men don’t actually have respect for women or their time. 

Men are out to prove and protect their ego.. and they’ll be damned if a women they find attractive thinks she’s got nerve to ignore him. 
2021-04-19 6:13 am
I would be worried and I wouldn't give out any personal information. Perhaps he's sincere, but you can't possibly know this. If you were at all interested, you could have told him you would take his contact information and get in touch with him. But don't give him yours!  And if you were to meet him, make sure its a public place, even bring a friend along, and provide your own transportation.  You have already done the wrong thing by allowing him to add you on his facebook. You must be very young, and consequently , vulnerable and naive, but at least you asked here and that may help you. Good luck, 
2021-04-19 5:59 am
Shut up with this nonsense 
2021-04-19 5:43 am
This is not true.
2021-04-19 9:22 am
Please do not accept his friend request. It is rude to ask someone you don't know if they have a boyfriend. Run like the wind.

May I suggest that the first question to ask yourself when considering whether or not to date someone is, “Is this person a strong person?” If they’re not, no matter how much you like them, how much they like you, or how “cute” or “hot” they are, - please don’t date them. A strong person has good character (honesty, integrity, trustworthiness), displays a positive attitude (cheerful, caring, friendly, forgiving, helpful, and respectful), fulfills their responsibilities (for handling people who are pains in a positive way, for always trying to make a good choice, for taking care of themselves, for serving others), gives their best effort, and demonstrates self-control (of their body, anger, mouth and money).

My suggestion is that you put in the effort necessary to become a strong person (if you’re not already) and eventually look for this type of guy (otherwise you’re setting yourself up for a broken heart). Unfortunately this type of man is difficult to find – but save yourself the heartache and don’t settle for less.

(Please remember that you eventually want a 50 or 60 year marriage - not a 5 or 10 year marriage.)

Hope this helps!
參考: True Love Lasts - written with a character emphasis for teens through young adults, Straight Talk About Teen Dating - written with a Christian emphasis for ages 13-19, Straight Talk About Dating - written with a Christian emphasis for ages 20 and up
2021-04-19 12:10 am
yes . never trust random guys. they are sex maniacs or poofters
2021-04-18 10:57 pm
All I would say in this situation is if you like him go for it if you don't just tell him sorry Im not interested simply
2021-04-19 3:37 am
This is what young people do for casual sex. A lot of people use Facebook as a list of people they can hookup with for sex if they feel the need.

"maybe he is a pimp" lol you've been reading too many tabloid articles.
2021-04-19 2:37 am
The fact that he is good looking will make you trow qausion to the wind

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