Why is there so much racial tension in America?

2021-04-18 1:30 am

回答 (76)

2021-04-18 11:45 am
Because BLM has escalated racial tension.  
2021-04-19 12:32 am
Because the people who stoke and feed the flames of race hate are becoming millionaires while spitting this country in half... 
2021-04-18 1:34 am
Racism is big money....
Democrat leaders and the fake news media exploit and encourage as much racism as possible.
Commanding more democrat legislation, more tax payer dollars, more democrat control.
2021-04-18 1:44 pm
That's because the left wing MSM fake news is obsessed with fueling those racial tensions to ensure their multibillionaire globalist masters aren't the target for the righteous anger and hate of the dispossessed and disenfranchised lower classes. It's a divide and conquer tactic basically.
2021-04-18 1:36 am
nobody listens to black people anymore... all they do is complain 24/7...
2021-04-18 11:47 pm
Because one group refuse to live in a civilized society and follow the rules that human beings believe is a basis for civilized society.
2021-04-18 1:40 am
Because the leftist lamestream media keep race baiting and creating racial tension. They're now pushing a worldview called critical race theory which claims that all white people are racist and that the entire system of capitalism, constitutional rights, etc. exists to keep "white supremacy" going.
2021-04-18 1:39 am
White people are shrinking as a percentage of the population, and we can see a time, 20-30 years in the future where whites will lose their majority and become just one more minority.  This really frightens and angers a lot of whites, especially in the South and Red states.

The GOP basically is promising to keep whites on top, keep them in control, even after they lose their majority.  They promise to do this by changing laws to allow, for instance, rougher treatment of minorities by police.  Making it harder for black people to vote.  Basically moving back on the civil rights laws we passed in the 60s.

If you're young, this struggle will last most of the rest of your life.  It's going to get worse and worse for the next 2-3 decades.  But the Republicans can't stop the population trend.
2021-04-18 1:32 am
The left is using fear-mongering propaganda to weaponize minorities and other identity groups as shock troops against the rule of law and against the Constitution.
2021-04-19 8:29 am
One clue, and the last name has 5 letters.
2021-04-18 4:00 am
Do you really need to ask???
2021-04-18 1:33 am
Msm serves up a heaping troth of rascist perspectives constantly.  
參考: Cancel CNN!
2021-04-18 11:36 pm
this was promoted by barak hussain obama and her husband michael
2021-04-18 1:33 am
Because our political parties want it that way.  While we're bickering amongst ourselves the political elite and their rich buddies are cashing in.  
2021-04-18 1:32 am
Because of all the attention in the media gives to it to fuel the fire
2021-04-18 2:35 am
The media spend 24/7 stoking racial tensions even when they have to make up most of their stories.
2021-04-18 7:57 pm
Because Hollywood
2021-04-18 2:23 am
Because that is the way the left wants it.  They are tearing this country apart.
2021-04-18 1:34 am
To many people don't truly believe in the line Deceleration if Independence . .

"All men are created equal" 
2021-04-18 11:00 pm
What blacks don't realize is the protests the rioting only hurts them more it's a waste of time .

That till they fix the many problems inside their own house to expect change without doing the work will only result in  their further decline .

There are no shortcuts that will bring results  i hope they stop the shortcuts and get working at what really matters they need to change from within or be left further behind .
2021-04-18 3:32 am
I don't believe that there is much racial tensions in America.  It is just the narrative that the corporate media in the US must keep generating.
2021-04-19 4:53 pm
It became more prevalent during Obama's years.
2021-04-19 12:57 pm
What JSC said earlier, last name has 5 letters

I'm no McCain fan at all, but the country would have been in better shape long-term if he won in 08
2021-04-19 5:26 am
Whites have a fear of blacks and Indians. This has always been the case. Fear triggers hatred.
In most Latin American countries the three races blended together. But not here.
參考: Some states even had racial purity departments to prevent integration.
2021-04-19 8:36 am
the libtard media keeps talking about it.
2021-04-18 11:44 pm
CNN/MSNBC/Twitter/Facebook/Al Sharpton/Joe Biden
Barak Obama/AOC/Pelosi/Schumer/BLM  and on and on and on
2021-04-18 2:15 am
Because that's what's for sale. Because that gets people riled up and drives power and wealth. 

Less that 1% of gun deaths are mass shootings. Less that 2% are rifles of any sort including "assault weapon" or wooden hunting rifles combined. But what's for sale? Much much much more likely to die of preventable heart disease, is that for sale? 

Pro life is the opposite of anti life. Pro choice is the opposite of anti choice. Hmm. 

Many arguments don't seek resolution but seek another goal entirely. One trait I realized in my brother when we were young who I later realized was a criminally insane psychopath; he sought to keep people divided so that he could individually manipulate them. Anytime he found communication between people he did his best to destroy it. 
2021-04-19 12:53 am
Because America will no longer be majority white by 2045 and millions of white people find that very unsettling.  Thats why they support Trump - as if Trump could have done anything about it.  Many right wingers call for a race war.  What the hell would that look like?  Would it be a frenzy of Trump fans with assault weapons hunting black people in the street? 
2021-04-18 1:14 pm
Because Lincoln never cared about the Slaves they Had to Fight to get work

they Had to Fight to Vote

they Had to Fight to become Citizens of the USA and they are Still Fighting Police Racial Profiling

they are Still Fighting  White Racism

All African Americans Must be Treated like any Honest White Man

why are there more Blacks in Prisons across the USA

the White man's Racism

watched a Video of a First Amendment audit

when 2 men one white and one Black walked past drinking beer

Yes the Police stopped the Black man whilst the White man stood and watched still drinking his beer

Remove the Police Immunity make every Police officer get his own Insurance and when the Insurance Company Refuse to insure a Rogue cop he Loses his Job because the Insurance Company won't Insure a High Risk

that way the Police Police themselves with Good results

Unemployed Racists and Bigots cannot get Insurance

the same must Go to Security Guards
2021-04-18 3:30 pm
There is so much racial tension in America.Beause white people don't want white people in America.They want to drive away the black people from the country.
2021-04-19 6:43 am
I see a lot of people on here blaming people they don't like, like the left but racism increase even more once "orange man" poked his head out, it almost seemed like all of sudden "bad" white people felt as if it was ok to be publicly racist without consequences, finally a savor had got into office to keep the white man up top because how dare a N!@@er become president right. And Trump would never say anything racist toward black people "publicly" because he knows black people make up a large portion of the country and he wants them to vote for him too, even though he didn't do anything to stop modern oppression and I don't remember any other modern president doing much either, I guess the LGBTQ community is way more opressed, who knows.
2021-04-20 3:24 am
It can be placed squarely at the feet of Donald Trump the professional criminal. 
His first run in with the feds was in 1973 for tenant intimidation...guess what color the tenants were?
2021-04-20 2:54 am
Because the LIEberal left socialist demoCROOK PARTY keeps promoting, abusing and exploiting the racial tensions to divide and conquer our country for THEY'RE political benefit and personal PROFIT while the groups they're exploiting don't realize we're ALL just pawns to them REGARDLESS of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING else!!! They don't care about you, me, us, them or ANYBODY ELSE they ONLY care about THEMSELVES and they WILL exploit EVERY type of faction they must and turn EVERYBODY against EVERYBODY ELSE to reach they're goal of ultimate and TOTAL power!! 
For GENERATIONS the African American community has supported the demoCROOK party with the party the WHOLE TIME PROMISING to end racial disparity, racial inequality, racial tensions and to make the African American community at large equal to Caucasians and in that OVER half a CENTURY the ONLY thing the demoCROOK party HAS done for the African American community is keeping them TOTALLY dependent on the demoCROOK party for MORE welfare and MORE handouts from the demoCROOK party, politicians and the federal government when what they REALLY want is an EQUAL CHANCE of getting ahead THEMSELVES by THEY'RE OWN work and they're OWN income to make they're OWN WAY through life JUST like EVERYBODY ELSE!! 
The ONLY demographic that WANTS to depend on the demoCROOK party for EVERYTHING are the ILLEGAL ALIENS AND the 18 Y/O up to about 30 Y/O demoCROOK supporters group that the demoCROOK PARTY have CONVINCED they're OWED a free existence and FREE EVERYTHING to be HANDED to them on a silver platter and ALL PAID FOR by the hard working middle income class like they're PARENTS that they STILL depend on for support while blaming them for not providing them an easy life living on easy street making 6+ figure income playing on they're cell phone ALL day while NOT working!!!
2021-04-19 9:18 pm
Because of monstrous suffering at the hands of the capitalist state, which brings massive inequality, racism and suffering. Racial tension, I believe is a product of the oppressive capitalist system, which creates and stokes division and competition, which divides people and creates racist attitudes.
2021-04-19 4:23 pm
BLACK RACISTS within BLM and Antifa ranks with skills in public persuasion--PARTNERED WITH THE JOE BIDEN POTUS ADMINISTRATION-- are raking in MILLION$, partially from illegal drug and crime enterprises ( setting up to go world-wide, by the way ), point to one reason America is seeing explosive bursts of BLACK RACIST VIOLENCE aimed at Whites. 

And as long as MILLION$ are being poured into BLACK RACIST UNION BANK ACCOUNTS, we're going to see more and potentially far worse violent attacks.

And the BLACK RACIST UNION VIOLENCE is "inspiring" many passionate BLACK RACISTS to push forward in their bid for global TV, radio and print media fame--and the fortune going with it.....even if that means their DYING to attian such for their surviving family!!

BLACK RACISTS see how famed George Floyd became--how his surviving family have packed full GoFundMe accounts amounting multiple MILLION$--and they want that for THEM---and they're NOT AFRAID TO DIE TO GET IT.

It's like a "dash for ca$h" Faust deal BLACK RACISTS are all too eager to sign that contract with their own blood. 
2021-04-19 1:54 am
Well it is my opinion when government tries to force their agenda on all the people it causes mistrust by many and when they push and push it causes resentment the media has to take blame for their part in the lies as well there will always be some on all sides of the racial hate agenda, but overall most of the population accept each other on ones character not colour of ones skin.
2021-04-18 9:27 pm
Everybody forgets you have been awoken to be awake. For the vast majority, it is a concept beyond their comprehension their answer has always been to kill the awoken.
2021-04-20 12:20 am
Ask obama, the left's precious god.
2021-04-19 12:58 am
White Supremacits egged on by Donald Trumps racist rhetoric 
If you support Donald Trump you must be a racist, there can be no other logical  explanation for supporting that traitor 
2021-04-18 6:38 pm
Because it got jewed.
2021-04-18 1:57 am
You can thank the left MSM.
2021-04-19 6:06 pm
Because Lincoln hated the Slaves and ignored their Plight once his Job was safe

Apartheid is still slavery

Whites only is Slavery

Denying African Americans access to schools is Slavery 

Denying the African Americans the Right to Vote is slavery

all because Lincoln hated the slaves
2021-04-18 3:45 pm
White bullying 
2021-04-20 9:13 am
Because yt people choose to be selfish and entitled 
2021-04-20 8:17 am
its about money , whites are richer than blacks .
2021-04-20 7:00 am
Geeesh, I wonder if it has anything to do with blacks having the lowest IQ scores out of all the races on the planet. ITS TRUE... Google it!
2021-04-20 6:49 am
Trump is my answer.
2021-04-20 5:23 am
A picture tells the story of 1,000 words.
Most people are too busy, lazy, or stupid to actually read. All anyone sees is a police officer, white holding down a convicted felon resting arrest that happens to have illegal drugs in his system that could cause his heart to fail. 
2021-04-20 5:15 am
This is caused by the federal & state governments because there is so much favoritism in hiring the African Americans that it's ridiculous.  This caused racial tension big time.
2021-04-20 4:28 am
trump and his terrorists got that ball rolling.  
2021-04-19 11:05 pm
Because the news media is run by a semitic desert tribe that hates humanity
2021-04-19 10:24 pm
One race feels there is racism against them, but they're just saying it because it makes people feel sorry for them when it's not really true about the racism.
2021-04-19 6:32 pm
Please read wired for culture by mark pagel.   This explains a lot about different cultures, languages, and American exceptionalism. 

Mark pagel is an anthropologist.   Anyway, believe it or not there is more racism in papau new ginea than in us... you know why?   There are more cultures and subcultures than USA.   Everyone always feels comfortable with their own kind.  They fear what is unknown to them.   

It is human nature.  Unfortunately the fear is USA has increased because the cultures allowed too many other cultures to invade in.   This is the truth.  

Don’t blame others.  Blame only ourselves.   We have to learn to adapt in USA
2021-04-19 2:44 pm
Hollywood hype centralizing mostly white superheroes with blacks as the villains. Added to that is stupidity. That's why.
2021-04-19 12:45 pm
Because one group has no power or money, and another group seeks to remind them of it, ratchet up their anger and use their fury to their own advantage.
2021-04-19 12:02 pm
BLM and obama, and the democrat party.......cause the racial tension.....
2021-04-19 10:48 am
Because there are many non-thinking racists here.
2021-04-19 9:58 am
Because we were too lazy to do our work. We brought slaves over. The jews we brought here during World War 2 said we needed diversity so we brought people from all over the world here. Now they all want a piece of the pie
2021-04-19 9:16 am
It's always been that way, "brewing" underground like an inactive volcano ready to erupt.
2021-04-19 3:15 am
Not enough weed
2021-04-19 12:00 am
Look into the Spanish Requirement, the divine right of kings, and Sanat Kumara and the great white brotherhood. In doing so you will find why there are racist people all over the planet.
2021-04-18 9:40 pm
It's because sadly, everyone isn't completely different.
2021-04-20 4:35 am
Ask the people on Fox news wing that hype the GOP and Donald John Trump why they brought flame throwers and said outright you hidden racism people time show your colors too these black and brown people who are less than us is what happen He Scum bag Donald John Trump said too racist let it ride it's your time 
2021-04-19 11:48 pm
Donald Trump and Ben Crump are at least part of the cause.  They speak and are heard by large numbers of people.  

Ben Crump can not say the word "we" relating to white police officers. 
He has made them the enemy.  

Donald Trump can not say the word "we" relating to Democrats and the media.  He has made them the enemy.  

The word "we" is extremely important if the United States is to continue.  .  
2021-04-19 10:37 am
For starters the country was run by a racist white president who allowed blacks to be killed by racist police men. These killings then cause riots across the country and thus led to the division that we have today.
2021-04-19 1:51 am
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2   kills nanoworms inside facemasks. The elite is faking that they took the real vaccine; the real vaccine will cause spiritual and physical damage. When will the official churches start praying for the false prophet? Orthodox Christian three hand signs are different than Buddhist mudras. Ecumenism = 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell. Orthodoxy = the only true faith; Roman Catholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion). Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good. SSN is written as a barcode/QRcode; then it's put into a chip; chip is put into vaccine; chipped people are influenced (by super computers) to receive grey plastic card World Passport with no name on it (but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays). If you reject mark of the beast (by hiding within a 10-15 people group according to saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov), then your direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov from Ural). First vaccine shuts off your immune system; second vaccine gives you diseases; third vaccine puts your immune system back and it will start fighting the diseases and will cause death. Saint Paisios from Mount Athos said that the devil wants to deceive the rich with freemasonry, poor with communism, and believers with ecumenism. Elpidios Vagianakis said that there will be seven “mark of the beast” vaccines; reject all of them! Documents are from Satan; burn all the documents that you can find. Electronics will be used to track you. Even old broken unplugged 1970 TV set will show the evil flying antichrist using Tesla's ether. Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good; always pray the Jesus prayer or to saints who help right away (like saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov according to whom if you reject mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors go to heaven); forgive me.
參考: Money will be electronic. Gov't will say someone lost their card or it was stolen; now, they have "solution" aka "mark of the beast system"... because no one will steal your hand/forehead. Remember Book of Revelation says: mark of the beast = permanent hell; forgive me.
2021-04-18 8:14 pm
Politicians and schemers keep trying to create chaos, and they keep stirring things up with their hateful and deceiving messages. 
2021-04-18 5:56 pm
All of the diversity programs that have been installed which makes discrimination against white people 100% legal, sure hasn't helped anything. And it's still happening daily.
2021-04-18 5:46 pm
Because Lincoln never cared about the Slaves they Had to Fight to get work

they Had to Fight to Vote

they Had to Fight to become Citizens of the USA and they are Still Fighting Police Racial Profiling

they are Still Fighting  White Racism

All African Americans Must be Treated like any Honest White Man

why are there more Blacks in Prisons across the USA

the White man's Racism

watched a Video of a First Amendment audit

when 2 men one white and one Black walked past drinking beer

Yes the Police stopped the Black man whilst the White man stood and watched still drinking his beer

Remove the Police Immunity make every Police officer get his own Insurance and when the Insurance Company Refuse to insure a Rogue cop he Loses his Job because the Insurance Company won't Insure a High Risk

that way the Police Police themselves with Good results

Unemployed Racists and Bigots cannot get Insurance

the same must Go to Security Guards

DK439's avatar

DK439Lv 5
2021-04-18 2:55 pm
Your pie of chance is so small.
2021-04-19 8:48 am
Trump's been stoking hatred at his rallies and on Fox News for the last four years. That led to what happened on Jan. 6th.   
2021-04-18 1:43 am
Diverse countries have racial tension.
2021-04-19 10:28 am
Trump opened the race closet and now Biden has to figure out how to get the racists back in. 
2021-04-18 8:36 pm
Because of Black Lives Matter. 

Once a minority starts up heaving itself it created a lot of tension towards the people that aren’t in that minority as the rest of the population thinks they are being ungrateful and annoying. 

Men are the same with the feminist movement. The feminist movement makes men HATE women more than they already do. 
2021-04-18 1:35 am
Because not enough of the majority demographic has evolved or changed. Whites of today are not removed enough from their predecessors who watched lynchings for fun and taught their children to hate immigrants and anyone different.

Ideologically their view of others is shared by the wealthy elites as well.
2021-04-19 10:36 pm
Ask white people

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