Are you afraid to entertain people?

2021-04-18 1:28 am

回答 (34)

2021-04-18 7:33 am
I don't even like being around people.

2021-04-18 4:34 am
I don't care to. I despise most people.
2021-04-18 2:08 am
People don't like what I have to offer. Their loss.
2021-04-18 1:52 am
nah, i love to entertain people im a clown hahaa
2021-04-18 1:46 am
No, I'm just more of an introvert.                           
2021-04-19 3:01 am
It's not my job to entertain people
2021-04-19 12:48 am
When I was a kid, I was very hesitant to invite friends over to the house because my family was kind of embarrassing.

Now that I'm older and have my own house, I don't entertain a lot of guests because some of the rooms are in serious need of remodeling, such as the guest bathroom.  It looks terrible.  It's next on my list of remodeling projects.

Now, if, by entertaining, you mean get on a stage or stand in front of a tv camera and make a fool out of myself in front of other people, yes, I can do that, and have done that a few times.
2021-04-18 11:21 pm
no but daughter usually handles that..
2021-04-18 1:41 pm
Absolutely... so afraid they won't show up... or grumble and gossip about it after... about how "lame" it was... even if I put my heart and soul into it and they got free food and drink.

That's just the world we live in although I've thought along those lines since many, many years ago.

Humanity didn't take long to disappoint me.

I could see through the illusion.

This plant is a failure and so are we. 
2021-04-18 1:00 pm
Yes, they'd use MY toilet.  We can't have that.
2021-04-18 11:54 am
would  be nervous with strangers  
2021-04-18 9:23 am
Yes because all they ever did was bully me at Alexandria Country Day School in Virginia.  
2021-04-18 6:26 am
No, I have been on stage many times it's never bothered me at all.
ps, I forgot to say, It was for charity at the time.
2021-04-18 4:58 am
Not really, I prefer to take people out for a meal and pay 
2021-04-18 4:03 am
No, not really.
2021-04-18 11:31 pm
Yes, there's a pandemic so groups of people are a bad idea.
2021-04-18 4:01 am
Oh please the only things I'm afraid of are Alpha-gal syndrome and Betty White. 
2021-04-18 1:31 am
i hAve more points than you!!!
2021-04-19 6:36 am
Nope! I love singing and performing, I always have done. I get a real buzz out of it. 
2021-04-18 2:43 pm
Yeah because i dont trust many people and if i get a bad vibe from someone i usually avoid them. Even if i cant tell what it is about them but ive learned the hard way before to trust my gut instinct when it tells me something and i wont go through that again.
2021-04-18 1:31 pm
No I’m afraid of people full stop. I think all people have the ability to hurt, take advantage and damage your life. Life is precious so why take the risk. 

You wouldn’t let your expensive gold watch around people.. and your love is worth much more than that, so why let your life around people?
2021-04-18 7:33 am
2021-04-18 6:43 am
People might not believe it now, but I was brought up to be a society hostess.  i think these days people are more afraid that I'll entertain them.
2021-04-18 7:23 am
no , i entertain younger women all the time , why do you entertain younger men do you !!
2021-04-19 11:44 pm
Yes, afraid I can't live up to their expectations!
2021-04-19 9:29 pm
Not at all.   
2021-04-19 7:26 am
No, I have enough confidence in my musical abilities to give them a good show.  
2021-04-19 6:02 am
I prefer not to, at the moment.
2021-04-19 5:55 am
No because I’m perfect.  
2021-04-19 2:45 am
I want to produce cartoons and comics for kids and showcase and monetize them online. I am not "afraid", I want to make MONEY.

I am a Christian, I am not "afraid" of anything.
參考: Christian.
2021-04-20 3:28 am
Yeah it always comes out wrong.
2021-04-20 3:07 am
Good Grief, NO!  It's what I a cemetery.
2021-04-20 1:00 am
nope. which is good, considering that i am the funniest person alive. 
2021-04-19 6:44 pm
If you mean the humanimals, yes...they scare me.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:47:28
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