I refuse to get the COVID 19 vaccine. I keep myself healthy by washing my hands, mask wearing, and social distance. Am I at risk?

2021-04-17 6:34 pm

回答 (13)

2021-04-17 6:54 pm
Yes, you are at risk, which is your choice but, worse that that, you are risk to others. No one can force you to be sensible but it would not be unreasonable for them to refuse to allow you into some places because of the risk you have chosen to be.
2021-04-17 10:01 pm
Sure, of course you are. Any of us are at risk with this new virus.
2021-04-17 8:13 pm
Of course.  Unless you live as a hermit, you can come into contact with a person that has it.  Social distancing helps, a lot, but even that is not perfect.  Wearing a mask does not protect you at all; it protects other people from you. And, unless you are constantly washing your hands, you may well touch an infected surface.

Get the shot.  You will be doing yourself, and others a favour.
2021-04-17 6:45 pm
Yes, but maybe a reduced risk; depends on other factors.
2021-04-17 6:41 pm
Yes, you are at risk. 
2021-04-18 3:41 pm
Apparently no where near as much if you're a rich democrat immune to their own rules.
2021-04-20 7:22 am
yes. not only are you at risk but you're putting others at risk
2021-04-19 11:50 am
YES, all those help but you're still at risk
2021-04-18 8:27 am
Yeah because you can be at risk.
2021-04-17 8:53 pm
Yup. Unless you also don't touch anything, meet anyone, or breathe.
2021-04-18 12:50 am
It's a virus, we're all at risk.  I too am reluctant. 
2021-04-18 2:09 am
Wearing a face diaper DOES NOT protect you from covid. It only protects others from your germs. It does nothing for you.
2021-04-19 2:48 am
no. you are not at risk

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