Why does news call 13 yo Adam Toledo a child, but call 19 yo FedEx shooter gunman?

2021-04-17 4:50 am

回答 (36)

2021-04-17 4:52 am
Because 13 year olds cannot join the military, vote, or sign a contract.

19 year olds can legally do all those things.

Duh !
2021-04-17 5:49 am
If you do not know then you really need to go back to school and take Growth  and development  again Kiddo
2021-04-17 5:17 am
Um, because the first is a kid and the other is legal adult.
2021-04-17 7:05 am
Even if trolling, that question is the perfect example of what is commonly referred to as abject stupidity.
2021-04-17 4:54 am
How can you possibly not know a person is considered a legal adult at the age of 18?
2021-04-17 4:53 am
You are weapons grade stupid.
2021-04-17 4:52 am
19's old enough to have a little bit of brains...even though he blew them out the top of his head.

18 and above, "child" no longer applies no matter how stupid you are.
2021-04-17 4:51 am
Maybe because a 13 year old is a minor and a 19 year old isn't. 
2021-04-17 5:29 am
There’s a massive difference between 13 and 19.
2021-04-17 4:53 am
"I hear idiots. They are everywhere."
2021-04-17 4:52 am
18 and over is an adult, idiot
2021-04-17 6:16 am
Because anyone 18 and older is legally an adult in the U.S.
2021-04-17 4:56 am
You're not that bright, are you. Adam Toledo was in his first year of being a teen. If the FedEx shooter is 19, he's considered an adult in the US and will be prosecuted as such.
2021-04-17 4:56 am
13 - child
19 - man
it's quite simple really
2021-04-17 5:23 am
It is most important to be able to tell the difference between people who are 13 and people who are 19.  Especially if you are Matt Gaetz.
2021-04-17 4:59 am
Anyone over 18 in the United States is considered an adult so calling him a gunman is correct. 

The fedex guy shot people so that makes him a gunman. 

Toledo is a tweener.  He’s technically a teenager but he just became one so he’s still considered a child by many. 

Are you expecting the news to call him a gunman. I’m not current on the situation but from what I read this morning, he was shot by a police officer even though he had his hands up. He didn’t shoot anyone. 
2021-04-17 7:21 am
I’m so happy this website is shutting down lmao **** yall 
2021-04-17 8:06 am
because a 19 year old is not a child you mong
2021-04-17 7:40 am
I like to think they do it to bother aye hoe ells like you.
2021-04-17 7:25 am
They call everyone under 18 a child 
2021-04-19 7:03 am
Because the “child” Adam Toledo was legally still “a child”. Not legally “a man”. He couldn’t even be referred to as “a GUNMAN”, in the vernacular, because neither was he holding a “GUN” when he was executed by the police officer nor had he yet achieved the legal status of a “MAN” in the eyes of the law due to his status as a “minor”... customarily referred to in legalese as a “child”. 

Therefore, neither criterion would have applied, I’m afraid. 

In summation, Adam Toledo had not yet legally been deemed a “man” since he was only 13 years old, so referring to him as a “gunMAN” would have been technically incorrect. He also did not have possession of a “GUN” when he was dispatched  to the Great Beyond by the police officer, nor had he shot let alone killed anybody. So the term “GUNman” as applied to him for purposes of this discussion would also have been fair game for a vigorous rebuttal.

So referring to him as a “GUNMAN” in both the vernacular and according to strict definition would have subjected your logic to unwelcome scrutiny, I imagine. 

 If you wanted to go out on a limb, I suppose you could have more appropriately referred to him as a “gunCHILD”. But by definition you’d still be wrong.. on both counts...because as previously mentioned, at the moment he was permanently denied his opportunity for legal representation in a United States court of law by virtue of a problematic bullet hole in his 13 y/o chest, he wasn’t holding a “GUN”. 😂 (Are we having fun yet?) 

Mr. Hole, on the other hand, was from the state of Indiana. He WAS armed. Thus a “GUNman”, indeed. 

In Indiana you’re considered an adult (a “man”) when you reach the age of 18 and he was 19, so not only was he a “GUNman”, but he was he was also a “gunMAN” by virtue of having received the age of majority, as opposed to a “gunCHILD”. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂  

Fun fact: In the state of Indiana, an adult (18 years or older) is legally allowed to have sex with a 16 year old. It’s not considered “statutory rape”.

Aren't you glad I decided to answer your question? Where else would you have gotten all of this valuable information and technical analysis??

What?? Still don’t get it? If you’d like, I can draw you a diagram....
2021-04-20 3:33 am
Well, 13 year old people are children, while 19 year olds are adults.
2021-04-17 1:49 pm
When you're 19 years old you're considered a young adult when you're 13 years old you're considered a child because your parents still make decisions for you and have parental custody over you a 19 year old does not have this they are free to do what they like if you ever have been on adult site and it says are you 18 years old you may enter it's like that you're old enough to do what you want to be honest I do not feel bad for this 19 year old or 13 year old I hope they both learn from their stupid decisions oh wait they're dead all I can say is at the end of the day better than me
2021-04-17 8:01 am
Ask them, not us!
2021-04-17 6:56 am
If you are 18 and older, you are a legal adult.  

In addition Toledo didn't shoot anyone, or hadn't you noticed?  
2021-04-17 6:49 am
hmmmmmmm mmmmmm
2021-04-17 6:44 am
Because a 19 year old is legally an adult, a 13 year old is not.
2021-04-20 5:56 am
Hugh difference in maturity between a 13-year-old and a 19-year-old. Hard to imagine a kid as young as Adam Toledo knew the consequences of carrying a gun at 2:30 a.m. He was obviously poorly parented and negatively influenced by the 21-year-old he was with. Even so it looked like he tried the throw down the gun and raise his hands to surrender. Had the officer paused it may have turned out differently but it didn’t. But sometimes pausing gets an officer shot. It’s a tough situation. 
參考: FactCheck.org. -open your mind, the truth is out there!
2021-04-20 4:15 am
Different states have different rules about the age for being an adult.  Click on the link below for more information.
2021-04-18 11:16 pm
White white white white
2021-04-18 6:50 am
Well, in the US (and a lot of places), anyone aged 18 or older is considered an adult. Therefore, anyone under 18 is not.
參考: My brain
2021-04-18 1:43 am
The 19 year old was legally an adult but the 13 year old wasn't.
2021-04-17 2:29 pm
Adult is 18 years old.
2021-04-17 11:39 am
What's the appropriate age in your opinion then? 18 years old is man enough to sign up and get shipped off to some stupid war to be a gunman and get slaughtered. 21 year old gang member Ruben Roman that was with Adam during the shooting. Is 21 the right age for reference?
2021-04-17 7:47 am
The News would try to get away with calling him a White Supremacists'
If not for the fact the Little Felon wanna be was of color. Of some kind.
2021-04-17 7:29 am
Because the news is broadcast in english

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