The George Floyd trial was interrupted by the police murder of Daunte Wright which was interrupted by the police murder of Adam Toledo?

2021-04-16 10:41 pm
Why do conservatives think this is acceptable?

回答 (7)

2021-04-16 11:29 pm
And every one of those cases involved people resisting the police.

Do you see a pattern here?

When you fight police or flee police, the police will escalate force.  And police, being people too, will make mistakes.  So here's a Pro Tip:  Don't fight or run away from police.
2021-04-16 10:57 pm
Let's see if these fit the profile: committed a crime: ✔,  fleeting from police: ✔,  resisting arrest: ✔, and threatening an officer: ✔. We have a bingo!
2021-04-16 10:44 pm
Who really cares?  They were all DEMOCRATS...
2021-04-16 10:44 pm
We think mass killings should be illegal. Don’t you?
2021-04-16 10:42 pm
OP Anonymous:   VERY good question!  
2021-04-16 10:42 pm
...which was interrupted by mass shooting in Indiana 
2021-04-18 3:44 am
They don't.  End of story.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:51:49
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