Imagine the criminals response in Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver when Trudeau tells them they have to surrender their guns?

2021-04-16 9:47 pm
How long before these fine upstanding citizens surrender all their firearms

回答 (4)

2021-04-16 9:49 pm
Probably never, but it will make it much easier for the police to know who the criminals are since they will be only ones still carrying around guns.
2021-04-18 1:36 am
Imagine the fact that your idiotic rant has NOTHING to to do with Travel.
2021-04-18 9:18 am
guns are indeed on criminals but are added to charges they face. Most come from USA.. nice neighbour..
2021-04-17 5:17 am
I'm with Chris Rock and propose a tax $1,000+ per bullet

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