Why are police so trigger happy?  I bet you its possible if they say hands up and you comply but then sneeze, they will blow you away?

2021-04-16 2:15 pm
and then say they were scared for their lives cause you moved a bit while sneezing.  Its not too far fetched. This is what our police have become these days, cowards....afraid of their own shadows shooting first and asking questions later.

Excuse me, not obeying orders is not a death sentence in the Constitution, which says something about a trial and a jury, Remember all that?  wow, what an idiot you are !

回答 (7)

2021-04-16 10:43 pm
What you failed to mention is how the police in America begun.. Originally they were bounty hunters looking for freedom loving enslaved runaways. These white savages are still hunting people of color and so they will try to justify with every lie and trick in the book because strong ANIMALS are how they see you and if they can't control you and you can't ease their fear of you..they kill you.
Look at how those savages try to justify Floyd's death as if Black people can't feel pain and should submit to their mental illness. It IS a mental illness. They are some sick dysfunctional soulless devils. May God continue to reveal their Great Fall. Karma has come for them.
2021-04-16 2:30 pm
Too much adrenaline and a pre-disposition not to trust black and brown people. Maybe it's time to give robocop a try.
2021-04-17 6:55 am
Cops in many countries get along without guns.
2021-04-16 9:09 pm
Don't be a drama llama.  The vast majority of encounters with the police end without anyone getting shot because most people have the basic sense to comply with the police when stopped.   Pulling out a gun and waving it around, on the other hand, will likely get you shot.
2021-04-16 2:40 pm
I'll take that bet and you will lose.  
2021-04-16 2:23 pm
Stop being stupid, the people being killed by the police aren't obeying orders.
2021-04-16 2:57 pm
The simple answer is smart and cool under pressure people like yourself need to set an example, do the job right. 

When I want something done I do it myself. What about you?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:47:51
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