What colour are your bedroom walls and ceiling?

2021-04-16 12:27 pm

回答 (16)

2021-04-17 6:34 am
Varnished natural wood.

I live in a log house and most interior load supporting walls are also of log construction. And that includes my bedroom walls.
2021-04-18 3:58 pm
oh wooow maan uummm lets seeee. Swirling purple umm for the like ceiling and dreamy lines of like dark funnel cloud walls or something? It's really trippy.
2021-04-16 4:20 pm
Damson walls and off white/putty ceiling. Off white trim and light wood floor. 
Sets off lots of black, gold and silver for a decadent look. Huge mirrors.
Think Biba c1967 but without the brown.
2021-04-16 12:29 pm


2021-04-20 5:00 am
White ceiling and burgundy walls.
2021-04-19 8:46 am
Grey. The walls and ceiling. 
2021-04-18 11:41 pm
White, and in serious need of painting.
2021-04-17 12:17 pm
in this room yellow walls white ceiling. in the rest of the house a nice light leaf green and white ceilings.
2021-04-17 12:04 pm
Walls mottled light green, ceiling white, window frames dark green matching the tree outside.  I'm thinking of making the ceiling mottled light blue and white.
2021-04-17 11:10 am
thats personal
2021-04-17 9:43 am
Swirly blue wallpaper.  It's horrible and needs to be replaced.

We have one bedroom where we painted it a pale green, then did a texture technique with accents of purple, pink and blue with sea sponges.  It looks really nice.
2021-04-17 7:29 am
colour , nah likes in a tent .
2021-04-17 1:17 am
My one bedroom with an "attic" ceiling has the walls and ceiling painted Benjamin Moore's "Ivory Tusk", a light creamy color w/ yellow undertones.

My other 3 bedrooms have white ceilings and the walls are also Benjamin Moore:
* "Straw"(yellow)
* "Green Cast" (aqua green)
* "Chameleon" (medium green)
2021-04-16 5:52 pm
The ceiling is white and the walls are terracotta, 
2021-04-16 2:17 pm
What the builder painted them 30 years ago, off white.
2021-04-16 12:35 pm
Walls are matt Dulux willow tree which is greener than it looks on their website.  If I didn't know the name on the pot I'd call it "eau de Nil."  It's very restful.  The ceiling is white as is all the moulding and woodwork.  My bedroom faces north so I wanted to keep the colors light and airy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:45:01
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