Trump allies in office and the media are quick to condemn Black Lives Matter as "looters" but not those at Capitol Hill who killed. Why?

2021-04-16 7:25 am
Understandably, the murders of Black Americans by police have invoked significant grief and anger not just from the American American community but the nation as a whole. 

Yet FOX Politics hosts some GOP politicians continuously blame the victim as opposed to the officer. How come? Can't we pause and reflect on the loss of life without politics? 

回答 (11)

2021-04-16 7:31 am
The only person who killed anyone at the Capitol was a Capitol policeman.

And looters are not victims. 

Quit mixing up your issues, and save the handwringing about politics while you're at it. 
2021-04-16 7:27 am
because they're just like you.....

now.... care to take that a step further and consider why things remain  so divided?
2021-04-16 7:33 am
Probably because the Capitol Hill rioters didn't actually kill anyone.  In fact, the only person that was "killed" was an unarmed woman shot dead by police.  And 3 months after this happened, we still don't know the cop's name.  Can you imagine if that cop was unidentified after shooting an unarmed black person?

There were other people who died at the riot.  3 of medical issues they had.  A cop died, but no one really knows why.  The story about him being struck with a fire extinguisher turned out to be FAKE NEWS.

But even putting that fact aside, you will actually find very few Cons that "support" the Capitol Hill riots.  I certainly didn't.  Yet it is really really hard to find Liberals who will condemn last summer's numerous BLM riots, or these new ones.  Why is that?
2021-04-16 7:31 am
Annie, who did they kill?  The only ones who died on 1/6 were Trump supporters who were demonstrating.  Three of medical complications and one who was murdered in cold blood by the Capitol police.

We are condemning the one person who killed that day - the as yet unnamed Capitol police officer.
2021-04-16 7:27 am
Did you miss the year long destruction, theft, and yes murders committed by supposedly peaceful liberal protesters????  Do you know who David Dorn was? 
2021-04-16 7:39 am
Everything is Trump's fault now? He's not even president anymore!
2021-04-19 7:17 pm
Who did the People who raged the Capitol Kill? Since one dissenter was executed by Capitol Police and one Police Officer had a cardiovascular failure. Presently, structures were obliterated, organizations, and public/private property were vandalized, burnt, or plundered during the Peaceful Protests back in 2020.
2021-04-18 5:42 pm
Who did the People who stormed the Capitol Kill? Because one protester was killed by Capitol Police and one Police Officer had a heart attack. Now, buildings were destroyed, businesses, and public/private property were vandalized, torched, or looted during the Peaceful Protests back in 2020.
2021-04-19 7:30 pm
The people that went into the Capital building did not kill anyone. Reported for lying.
2021-04-19 7:42 pm
Why are you obsessed with this one incident and not the perpetual violence that comes out of certain communities that are higher than ever (historic increases in homicides in 2020)? Are you just a partisan hack?
2021-04-18 5:09 pm
stealing a tv is looting.  how many tv's were stolen from the capital?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:45:44
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