Can London black cabs be booked to come and collect you like mini cabs?

2021-04-16 7:20 am

What kind of answer is that u stupid ****! Helpful answers if possible please!

回答 (5)

2021-04-17 1:22 am
Yes they can be booked in advance, hailed on the street, or picked up from designated taxi ranks.
2021-04-16 8:01 pm
Yes. There are dial-a-cab services for black cabs if money is no object.
2021-04-16 9:51 am
Yes. You call the cab company and tell them when and where you want to be picked up. I don't know if it can be done online. That would be something you could check with the cab company.
2021-04-18 12:50 am
Yes some have phone numbers on the side.
Only black cabs can be legally hailed in the street.
2021-04-16 7:48 am
Can London black cabs be booked to come and collect you like mini cabs?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:50:30
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