
2021-04-16 3:46 am
I would value your advise...
My dad has been unwell and despite my own health concerns I have dedicated and supported my Dad  in many ways for many years and I truly love supporting my Dad. 
I work full time I am a teacher and at times I can do with a little support. 
My sister offers very little support 
I can't begin to tell you the excuses that she makes. 
My sister lives alone with no dependants and she dedicates her time mostly to her friends. 
When I suggest or ask or give my opinion 
She screams at me and becomes very confrontational aggressive and verbally abusive. 
We are both in our late 40s 

Over the years I have become use to her lack of support. 
However her abusive behaviour towards me is unbelievable . She has no suggestions regarding my Dad's failing health and when I try to take the lead or make suggestions I recieve the Roath of her tongue 
How would you manage this situation 
Any advise please? 

回答 (5)

2021-04-16 4:03 am
What is your native language? I only ask because it's clearly not English, and the answer might help me frame a suitable response.
2021-04-20 5:44 am
Get your father's medical power of attorney so your sister can't show up later and interfere in the decisions you're making for him. You can't force her to care but you can get the documentation to keep her out of the plans you're going to have to make for him. 
2021-04-16 9:50 pm
2021-04-16 10:24 am
i wouldnt worry about what your sister is doing and just do what you need to do
2021-04-16 4:21 am
Support. I think my sister and I began to emotionally support each other after both of our parents were dead and we were both nearly 60 or past it. There was never any thought of financial support between us. Or with our brothers. I was the sole caregiver in the family for my parents. But they did not need my financial support. I received none from them either. People usually assume the roles they are willing to play and refuse the ones they are not willing to play. 

My advice is that you stop trying to get your sister to participate even an inch more than she is willing to do. And that when she subjects you to the Wrath Of Her Tongue.... you simply say, "Honey, I'm too old to put up with that" and hang up on her. 

You appear to be in charge. It's doubtful you need to tell her that.  If you do not want to be in charge anymore, send her a note telling her you have stopped being your Dad's caregiver and thought she should know that he's ill, old, faltering and, as of now, totally on his own unless she steps up for him. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:48:39
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