Can Quora be a replacement for Yahoo Answers?

2021-04-15 8:35 pm
As we all know, Yahoo Answers's (Yahoo 知识+ in Chinese) service is going to shut down recently (yeah I knew it through Taiwan Youtubers such as HowFun) so I created a Yahoo email account and logged in into this website and I found that this website is amazing (maybe I'm living in the wrong era lol). On the other hand, I know other website that is very similar - Curious about how people think about it compare to Yahoo Answers, thanks! :)

回答 (2)

2021-04-15 8:47 pm
Since you use Taiwan yahoo mail and you can also type the word "知识" in simplified Chinese, why don't you type in Chinese? Do you want to show that your junior high school breaks English?
2021-04-17 1:01 pm


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