Will growing a moustache get me laid?

2021-04-15 3:34 pm
I mean, I don't know women like but I've been single my whole life and you know, if I play my cards a little differently, I might get a different result. So i've been thinking of allowing a moustache to grow...  do any girls dig that?

回答 (3)

2021-04-15 3:35 pm
You are better off working on your personality instead of superficial features. 
2021-04-15 4:46 pm
If you're asking this question honestly, and really expecting us to tell you whether growing a mustache will get you laid, you're too much of an idiot to answer. Sorry. 
2021-04-15 10:42 pm
Maybe you could learn how to be charming, pleasant, smile and take an interest in women instead. But your question shows that all you think women are good for is sex. 

I hate facial hair on a man.  I don't know many women who like it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:49:24
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