After over a year of limiting my drinking, my gf throws my past problem in my face and downplays the things I did to fix it. Idk what to do?

2021-04-15 11:51 am
When I was in college I had a bad drinking problem. After graduating, I realized how bad it was and apologized to my gf for what I put her through/started working on being better. I still struggle with it, but I’ve made a lot of progress. I don’t go out anymore and while I drink at home sometimes, I’ve heavily limited how often I do it. We were talking about our friend who has a problem and it got turned around into my problem. She started telling me how close she was to leaving me if I didn’t change and it got me a little heated. I know I went out a lot and drank more than a normal person, but she was making it out like I was getting plastered every night and I wasn’t. She said she constantly felt like she had to worry about if I would get home or not and I told her that a lot of the time I wasn’t even drinking. I would play some pool then come home. She denies it. Even when I was at home, if I poured one drink and played video games, she would get mad at me for even doing that. She basically wanted me to not drink at all. I’ve explained to her that it needed to be a gradual process because quitting cold turkey never worked for me. Even when I was making progress and slowing stopping she only ever focused on the little bit I was still doing. It just pisses me off that even with as far as I’ve come, she’s still throwing it in my face and downplaying all of the stuff I was trying to do to fix it then. Like I need a support system, not someone that makes me feel guilty.

回答 (7)

2021-04-20 2:34 am
Congrats dude! That’s tough to do! Tell her to either go to alanon or get the f*ck out. You don’t need that sh*t.
2021-04-16 8:33 pm
What to do? Firstly, what you have done is very good - secondly - FIND ANOTHER GIRLFRIEND! I am a woman, and I hate to say it, but I've seen many women stoop to the constant criticism/nitpicking to keep the husband/boyfriend 'in line'. She's not going to stop because she's clearly very good at it. She has you pulling your hair out and asking what more can you do! You're second guessing yourself because of her! I don't know if she 'loves' you or not - but she clearly is training you to be under her thumb so that she controls every aspect of your life. Find yourself a woman who loves and cares for you above herself and isn't scared to build you and your achievements up! THAT'S what love is all about!!
2021-04-16 8:17 am
1st vaccine shuts off your immune system; 2nd vaccine gives you diseases; 3rd vaccine puts your immune system back and it will start fighting the diseases and will cause death. Chipped vaccines = mark of the beast.

Sakashvilli and his wife are the heads of human organ harvesting operation during war in Ukraine. They send organs of civilians and organs of soldiers to Israel and America. Someone is hit by car or bullet, then their organs are harvested and sent abroad.

Holy hell mRNA vaccine by Moderna contains *Luciferin* dissolved with *66.6* ml of distilled *phosphate* buffer solution.

...mark of the beast...that's what it is...

all vaccines are chipped

all vaccines have cells of aborted fetuses in them

Police stop you at checkpoint to check if you’re chipped (aka vaccinated)

Police check the car; let's say 4 people car but signal only from 3; so, police stop it to chip the notyetchipped; signal from 4 now and police let the car go. This is prophecy by saint VyacheslavKrasheninnikov. Notice police chip (aka vaccinate) people at gun point in Africa; so, no more "it's not gonna happen here" 'cuz it will soon enough, capisce?

Police do it on highways or when you leave your city... basically, you can't leave your city unless you're vaccinated; but vaccine = mark of the beast; so, escape now while your city doesn't have these rules; forgive me.

Gov't sprays chemtrails so that people feel symptoms of flu

5G will kill vaccinated; just read GeorgiaGuidestones' commandment of 500 million max population on earth; it fits with Orthodox Christian prophecy of 7 percent of people left

Russian Orthodox prophecy also says that there will be unbearable stench in winter. So, there you go. Russian winters are cold. So, they must have died from the new disease that doesn't have a name 'cuz it's caused by 5G.

martial law; Constitution was suspended; New World Order

read BookofRevelation; Chapters 13 and 14, please

chipped people will be influenced by super computers to receive World Passport (grey plastic card with no name on it), but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays

If you escape mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors go to permanent heaven

how to escape it? by hiding within a small group (10 - 15 people according to saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov); no documents; no electronics

Project Pogo = Alex Jones, QAnon, Adam Green, etc. videos are put out so that gov't tracks who watches them. (Project Zyphr annihilates people who watch these videos). Drone with scopolamine will drill a hole in your window at 4 am. Once gassed, you will come out to the police van (waiting for you outside) yourself; you will be taken to underground camp to be tortured for adrenochrome. The rest of the people will be secretly (or even openly) chipped when they sign up for food in closed stores

AI (artificial intelligence aka demons) will post on your social media as if it were you doing it while you're on vacation; it will even make phone calls on behalf of you; no one will notice that you're missing in action.
參考: Blood/body of Jesus kills parasites. OrthodoxChristian three hand signs are different than Buddhist mudras. Ecumenism = 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell. Orthodoxy = the only true faith; Roman Catholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion). Patriarch Irenaios 1st blessed Catacomb movement more than five years ago; what you need is antimins (remains of saints sewn into a towel), wax candles, one cup and one spoon.
2021-04-16 1:25 am
Are there any other problems with gf that you fight/argue about & in the heat, she throw all of this at you.  Could be other underlying problems & this is just a thorn in her side.  She should be able to see the difference. Is she self centered & demand that things go her way?  Who is the most dominate in the relationship?  There has to be an underlying cause for her behavior.
2021-04-15 12:37 pm
You sound like you have been to AA.

Addiction is not your or anybody's fault.  They say this, thinking it a disease.   Addiction is simply not a disease.   Without it,  we'd die.

Addiction is a biochemical reaction stemming from the physiology (not psychology) of the human brain.

Here's your bad news: she's right about the cold turkey.   It's the ONLY way to stop the addiction.   

It's all about dopamine and your dopamine imbalance takes roughly two weeks of absolute abstinence to return to normal. 

During this period,  your brain will coax, cajole and actually reduce your inhibitions to get its hands on that dopamine stimulater!

It will even make you feel sick, cause you to heave and feel like you are dying. 

The wonderful power of the brain!

But with the knowledge that it's only a very short period of pain, you've got this. 

Cold turkey killed me.  Seriously, my liver had failed and the abrupt cessation hospitalized me for 4mo, lots of which was life support and coma.

If you can start BEFORE you are chemically that addicted,  in the name of whoever you find holy, DO IT. 

And you are completely correct about the support system. 
參考: I was only paralyzed for <1 year, and blind for, well, it's not quite healed completely 8 years later.
2021-04-15 12:04 pm
Are they true? If so, deal with it and except that.
2021-04-15 11:56 am
AA saved my life, and helped me to own my character defects. Good you apologized, but making a living amends is where the real change occurs; where the miracle happens. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:43:49
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