R&S, Will You Find Another Social Media Site When YA shuts down?  Or Will You Just Give it Up Completely?

2021-04-15 12:27 am
BQ:  Who's going to miss this site more?  Christians, atheists, cultists, trolls, or other?

Thanks, everyone.  I will not give a best answer, so many have said what's in their hearts.  I am certain I will at least take a break before checking out others. May God bless each of you richly in your spirit.


It's been twelve years since I joined. And in everything, despite the trolls, despite the cultist, the atheist, and the just plain ignorant fool, I've loved every time I've logged on. I've made some fast friends, those I've never met in the flesh and probably never will. A few are still on, but most already left. I expect to meet many of them in Heaven. There's a few I want to give a big hug to and thank them for their comments, their encouragement, and yes, their love.


So if you've been my friends, if you've been my adversaries, if you've been an idiot, know that you've strengthened me in my faith. I hope I have done the same for you. Yahoo Answers may be going away. But the benefits will stay with me for the rest of my mortal life. So, to anyone reading this question-thanks! You've been a blessing to me.

回答 (9)

2021-04-15 1:22 am
I moved over to Reddit but I don’t think I will ever be as active there as I was here. 
2021-04-15 12:30 am
I think I'm done.  
2021-04-15 12:28 am
2021-04-15 9:40 pm
I don't know.  

I've learned so much from the answers from my brothers and sisters in the faith.

On the other hand, R/S had become a very 'unchristian' site.

I would be concerned any other site would spiral down to the same level.

If anyone knows of a different site, it would be nice to know.

2021-04-15 12:47 pm
I use Reddit sometimes, but mostly for entertainment purposes rather than religious discussions. 

The anonymous trolls will definitely miss this site the most. Yahoo Answers is their life support. 
2021-04-15 3:27 am
1.  I don't know.  I might look for one.

2.  No idea.  I will miss answering honest questions.
2021-04-15 12:35 am
I'll just go back to posting occasional comments on YouTube videos that are of interest to me.  I got bored of R&S back in 2017 once it became clear the trolls had taken over and very few serious questions were being asked here, and hence I migrated over there.

I've only come back in these last few days once I heard YA was shutting down, and to be honest, I have no regrets about leaving.  There isn't much to miss anymore, as much as I'm nostalgic for the old days (circa 2013) when this site was more popular and more high quality questions and answers were being posted.
2021-04-15 12:32 am
I already do 3 or 4. 
2021-04-16 1:31 am
Have to agree with Michael’s answer. As a ‘young earth creationist’ around 2013, had some very interesting and productive discussions, with atheists and evolutionists alike. You could hold a conversation then. Much was learned on both sides. Now all you get is a string of 4 letter abuse with people that haven’t got the brain cells to string together a sentence without reverting to foul language and insults. And the right to comment on a question being removed was another nail in the coffin. Regarding cults, a lot of my time is now spent on the facebook site ‘Help Jehovah’s witnesses’ This is a site run and populated by ex JW’s who seek to introduce JW’s to the real Gospel of the Bible and not the ‘different’ one preached by the watchtower society.
As we see the watchtower society collapsing, I just hope that teem and others like him will finally have their eyes opened and be set free from the watchtower dungeon. And that they might experience the same sort of ‘breakout’ as Peter did in Acts 12.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:42:32
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