Will seniors miss Yahoo Answers most?

2021-04-14 9:41 pm

回答 (7)

2021-04-14 10:38 pm
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Well this Senior Citizen will miss Yahoo Answers, I have been here over 10+ years and I have seen some great users come and go on this site.  This category has been such fun with questions that took a lot of us done memory lane. 
Although I will miss this site, I think that this site has come to the end of the line.  For some time now it has not been as good as it used to be.  I appreciate that not everything stays the same and we must move on, but this site just never seemed to move on it moved down. 
I have to say thank you and bye for now to other members of the Senior Citizen category, as the song goes ' thanks for the memories'.
2021-04-15 8:09 pm
I will. But life goes on and so do we. I really don't blame Yahoo for shutting down Q&A  because of all the crap some people us it for.  And that's mostly to show their stupidity to the rest of us.
2021-04-16 1:49 am
Yes, I certainly will.  I cannot remember how long I have been using Yahoo Answers.  I used to log on with a different name for some years but trolls spoilt that one. I've been at my current address for 10 years and I'm sure that I was using Y.A. for several years before that.
2021-04-14 9:49 pm
Probably there are lots of them in the dog section.They live on there 24/7 365 days a year.
2021-04-15 7:02 pm
I know I wont miss it too much . I don't think the others will either. I have read answers from all kinds of people here and I think this group right here are the most sane and common sense just about on the site. 

They are smart and I think they will find a replacement that they will like better than this. This forum is not really social in an everyday way of meeting and chatting and getting to know new people and enjoying life to the fullest. 

They may be a little paranoid to really live , so I am hoping getting away from this will give them some curiosity to really enjoy life. This is a time killer really , something to do because you have nothing else . 

Folks , we may be older , but there is no reason to just shut yourselves off from life. There are still ways and people out there that really don't let old age affect them , at least not any more than it truly is . because there just is no reason to stop doing what makes you happy .......and if you have nothing , keep trying and looking . There is no need to roll over and just wait to die . there are kids out there that need you . They have nobody to tell them about the old days ..LOL..please believe that old age is not death anymore than young age , kids are dying all the time , be happy be grateful and I wish each and everyone of you a very happy rest of your life. It may sound like BS but it really is a choice and gratitude is the way. TAKE CARE PEACE LOVE AND HAPPINESS !
2021-04-14 9:42 pm
no, seniors prefer dating apps and pay to talk chatrooms.
Most of them use this kind of platform
2021-04-20 3:21 am
Yes, I think that seniors will miss this more than other groups will miss it, because we are more limited in what we can still do, whereas younger people have many choices of things they can still do with their time both outside of their homes and sitting at their computer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:48:48
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